I must be insane....

Everybody can agree....if you look at how many gameconsole's I've worked on to get my homebrew gameengine running on them! The list is quite long...I need a trip down memory lane so...here we go. I'll keep it short. I promise...to at least try keep it short. Really! :D

The earliest prototype was written in Python and only ran on PC. Good for testing but awful for portability and "bragging opportunities" to show off what I am working on. When most of it was working in Python after about three months I wanted to make it more "portable" and the NDS with Devkitpro was looking like an interesting target.

Working on the NDS was fun and all but I did not get the "game" any further than scaling down the graphics and some sort of slideshow with the splash screens. I did like the coding style of the examples though...but the resolution difference from the original 640x480 -> 256x192 pixels was huge and scaling artifacts were annoying. Also the "best looking" algorithm...lancos or something...changed the color of every single pixel! This made it impossible to use with color palette's and sprites on the NDS's 2D GPU. I learned a lot...but it was time to move up to the 3DS!

On the 3DS the 400x240 resolution was still lower than the original but high enough to make have things barely fit, eliminating the requirement to need scaling at all! In a couple of weeks...or months (i forgot since it's almost 5 years ago already)...I managed to get the level to load, animation to work and have enough sprites of batteryman to have it "playable". And by that I mean it was a working proof-of-concept demo! The level was not even the original! I had to hand code it in a big array of numbers in the code! It was awe full..but it worked!

What bugged me the most about the situation at that time was that I had to: write code, compile, upload to 3ds, test new version....CRASH! Or did not work as expected....do all this AGAIN! OVER-AND-OVER-AGAIN! Granted...it was better than on the NDS where it was even required to take out the SD card, put in the PC, write the new file, take it out and put back in the NDS! That was way worse actually!
But there had to be a better way, right? There was "some" help from emulators but those are not perfect to test homebrew on. Sometimes things work on the emulator and not on hardware. Or even the reverse....the emulator refuses to do something that the hardware has no problem with! In short I needed a way to write the code and test it all on the PC! Only when some bits were changed in gameplay I would "need" to test it on the 3DS. So I started to rewrite my code (this will come back a few times) to make this possible! The solution was to use OpenGL on my PC as the graphics backend and write wrappers arround it to make it "portable" and create a driver of sorts to allow both "linux" and "3ds" ports to share a big chunk of the code!

Because of how the OpenGL works I had to learn a lot about graphics, quads, vertices, textures and more GPU's stuff. Then I looked back at what started this journey: The desire to write a game for the GameCube!!! And because I had code that could run on Linux and 3DS I used the same method to add in support for the GameCube! And in a couple of weeks/months I had something that worked on three platforms now! The GameCube however was an issue....my only method of booting homebrew back in 2018 was SD Loader and it was "a lot of work"!!!! And each and every test on hardware took nearly a minute to boot! So to make this A LOT easier I also added support for the Wii...which was an almost copy-paste from the gamecube's driver!

Since the Wii and GameCube have PowerPC CPU's that use Big Endian byte order instead of Little Endian used by quite literally every other CPU on the planet! I ran into compatibility issues in my code and the original game files! Btw...I know there are other big-endian CPU's out there ofcourse but overall it's mostly Little Endian that is more common. After I had learned more about "Endianness" and how to solve the issues I had...at least temporarily I could move on! And I had succeeded in creating a code base that shared a lot of the core game engine code on all the platforms at that time: Linux, Wii, GC and 3DS. I almost forgot to say that before this the code between the PC, 3DS and NDS were all separate and code could not be shared at all!

Ohh right...I said to try and keep this short. sorry! :blush:

Let's just say that nearing the end of 2018...and I even think literally the last day of it I released the first preview on the 3DS! I had solved the crazy way the 3DS GPU wants the textures to be in! During 2019 I tried to make things also work on the PSP but hardware limitations and my lack of knowledge on how to solve them resulted in something like moving rectangles on the screen. It was the "game" and things worked...but there were no tiles or sprites to show because I could not figure out how to make them work on the PSP's GPU! For this reason I had to eventually put the PSP port to rest until later.
Also during 2019...I think...I have spend three months on reverse engineering the original BatteryCheck installer Setup.exe! Eventually I rewrote the prototypes of this into separate roms to run on the Wii and 3DS so the game files could be unpacked on the console itself. No longer requiring to unpack an install on a windows PC first!. This was a mayor milestone for me to reach and one of the things I am most proud of...even if it's only meant to be used once during the install process and never seen again!

Over the following years I have attempted to port the game to more resource limited consoles: GBA, NDS (again) and DSi. And on the DSi I have actually managed to get the game to work...most of the time. Graphics are not scaled and tiles are not shown. But the level is loaded and some sprites do show. And the "gameplay" is working...but hard to see. The issue is that the NDS has a limit on the size of the textures in 3D mode. There are also RAM limitation ofcourse...but the resolution of my textures were 1024x1024. They still are mostly that size since resizing meant rewriting much of my rendering code.

Along the way I have ported it to the "mystery console" also known as the PlayStation 2! It had it's own issues with my game not being optimized for it and it ran at less than 10FPS...but texture size was not an issue here...the color pallet's were though! So it looked really weird at first with messed up colors. In about a month I "completed" the port and fixed the color issues. But because it was "slower" than the other ports and installation was kind of depending on the use of the memory card to store the game files on I did not release it! Until a few months later someone convinced me to add USB drive support and release the port anyway....flaws and all! Took me 3 day's I think to add the USB support and make things work "good enough" for a very unstable first release of the preview for PS2! I worked on this version for a few weeks while also adding more gameplay features...enough to later also updated the ports for Wii,GC and 3DS.

Being inspired by the success of the PS2 port I also started looking into adding a Wii U port. Took me a good long weekend of headaches to get things working and showing up on screen and have at least some bleeps coming out to represent sound. I made a mistake while setting up the audio driver that messed up the volume.....I think that is still the only released version on the Wii-U thread. Whoops! (if you really want the fixed Wii-U version....look on the 4TU Discord it's on there somewhere. :P)

A week later (or something really soon after) I gave myself a challenge: Port the game to the Nintendo Switch in less than 8 hours! I was really thinking it was possible! I only had emulators to test on as I did not "homebrew" my actual Switch yet at that time. To keep this far to long story a bit short here....I managed to do it with 5 minutes remaining on "the clock"!!! I know at some point the colors were wrong...but the game completely worked! And i fixed it by just moving the R,G,B channels around until it was showing correctly. Someone on discord was kind enough to test it on his switch...and it worked! Later I also jumped in and went through the 3-4 hour long and scary process of making my Switch run homebrew as well...and testing my own game on my own switch! That was awesome...and scary. But mostly awesome! :D

With that enormous history lesson out of the way the list of currently working platforms is:
- Linux (for development only)
- Wii
- GameCube
- 3DS
- PlayStation 2
- Wii-U
- Switch

And if you count the almost working attempts:
- DSi
- PlayStation Portable

And the failed attempts:
- Nintendo DS (with browser RAM expansion pack)

And on the "TODO/Wanted" list are:
- PlayStation Vita
- PlayStation 1
- Nintendo 64
- Sega Genesis/MegaDrive

There is actually an unreleased but FULLY working "port" for Raspberry Pi! It's just a recompile of the Linux version and the biggest challenge is/was that the installer could not run on it. And gamepads don't always work right. This is what made me do the reverse engineering of the installer in the first place...but I never got back to it as an "official port". Maybe i could look into it? Let me know. :D

A few weeks ago I already posted about plans and actual attempts to write a GameBoy Color version! Yes...even with it's tiny 160x144 pixel resolution and limited color palettes and limited RAM. All I really want from this version in the short term is showing the title screen as a static image and maybe a "preview" of the level...also as a static image. This is also what I got working on the NDS and DSi just to show things are loaded and "usable". But for the GBC's version I do plan on rescaling the graphics to make it smaller and fit better on the tiny screen. It's not really going that great but I also did not work on it for very long yet. We'll see where it goes....or not.

And now...the whole reason for this blog post...and why I think I must be insane!!!! I was actively looking into buying a PlayStation 1!!! With the intent of modding it for homebrew, somehow, and porting my game over to it. It's more powerful than the GBC for sure...but I don't even have a development kit for it yet! I never wrote even a single line of code to run on the PS1! Why get a console that I do not "yet" have the space for? Don't really intend to use to play original games any time soon! Costs quite a bit of money to get in "good" condition with a game or two I actually might like!

Am I insane for getting one? Does it make sense? I also found out that the Vita is now A LOT easier to mod for homebrew than it used to be back in 2020-ish when I got my vita's. Either way....whatever console might "win" the virtual battle in my head to be worked on first...it HAS to have a WORKING demo that I wrote myself that runs in an emulator for said platform! I do own two Vita's and even a Vita TV...but they are in storage. Somewhere. No idea which exact box of gaming related items they went into. I got to much stuff already...which is another reason NOT to get a PlayStation 1 right now! I also got the insane idea of getting both the "regular" and "mini" version of it....not the "classic" one because I already got those. Different architecture!

Anyhow...this is what needed to go out of my head into the blog! Hope it was fun to read the crazy ideas of an insane mad man! :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

Thanks for reading. :D


For the PS1 you will need a method for starting software without buying and wasting a wheelbarrow full of CD-R for testing (PS1 will NOT read CD-RW)
Look up Net Yaroze if you haven't already (that was the official way with a serial connection). Booting from the parallel port should be possible somehow with retail units. There should be information online (haven't searched since I've no use for this).
Or a PlayStation with an optical drive emulator.

This rules out any SCPH-900x (missing parallel I/O) and SCPH-10x (the small PSOne missing also the serial I/O).

You will run into severe RAM limitation.
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For the PS1 you will need a method for starting software without buying and wasting a wheelbarrow full of CD-R for testing (PS1 will NOT read CD-RW)
Look up Net Yaroze if you haven't already (that was the official way with a serial connection). Booting from the parallel port should be possible somehow with retail units. There should be information online (haven't searched since I've no use for this).
Or a PlayStation with an optical drive emulator.

This rules out any SCPH-900x (missing parallel I/O) and SCP-10x (the small PSOne missing also the serial I/O).
Valid points as always. :)

I think I had seen a new method recently that did a "softmod" using a memorycard. Yes, on the PlayStation 1! I am not sure what it boots exactly...but as long as it's some kind of loader that can get data from other sources....that's all I really need! It would be awesome if there was an SD card reader in the memorycard slot like there is now on the PlayStation 2. I bought one of those but have not tested it yet.

I was indeed not planning on burning ANY disk at all! So definitely not a truckload of them wasted on test builds, hahaha. I was planning on looking specifically for a version of the original that has both the parallel and serial ports. If they are useful I don't know....but I think I read a few things about them. And if the serial port can be used....any type of microcontroller, raspberry pi (pico) can be used to load more data. It might be slow...but maybe it's enough. I don't know yet :D
You will run into severe RAM limitation.
I'am not sure I agree on that. Sure, RAM is limited but there is at least 1MB of RAM in the PS1...and I think it's even 2MB but the second one was for special purposes...or on a devkit maybe. I really need to look into the specification of the PSX to answer that.

And vram is 512kb I think and yeah...it's a limitation. But also a huge change to improve my memory hungry simple coding style! Things are even worse on the GameBoy color where there is only 32KB of ram....and that is segmented into 8K banks that need to switch in and out!

I am really hoping that I can borrow some of the everdrive's RAM to expand my needs for it. I know there is 8MB of ram in the Everdrive GB. I ordered three of them from Krikzz and they were shipped but it takes a while to get here with the situation in Ukraine offcourse. I did not even know the shop was still operating from there. I thought I read he was in spain or something. Hope they are all safe there. :)
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Do not most consoles have FTP programs you can either reboot into or run in the background in some cases (albeit slower than dedicated)?

Anyway was around to see a few of those made and was amusing to see.

Got a while to go yet to reach the heights of https://www.popularmechanics.com/sc...red-out-how-to-play-doom-on-a-pregnancy-test/ https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2022/10/how-to-get-doom-running-in-windows-notepad-exe/ but one day.

Can't say I have ever really had to crush things down to work on lesser systems, normally have to go the other way and make things work on higher res setups, but it sounds like no fun at all.
I was indeed not planning on burning ANY disk at all!
That does not sound like a good plan. In the end a homebrew game should work on any console, not require specialized hardware upgrades. For development no CD-R is good. A final version should at least optionally work from CD-R (it feels like 80% of the PS1 consoles are modchipped anyway, so CD-R loading is as basic as you can get).

I think I had seen a new method recently that did a "softmod" using a memorycard. Yes, on the PlayStation 1! I am not sure what it boots exactly...but as long as it's some kind of loader that can get data from other sources....that's all I really need! It would be awesome if there was an SD card reader in the memorycard slot like there is now on the PlayStation 2. I bought one of those but have not tested it yet.
MX4SIO for PS2? Last time I looked it was available from the USA only with the only payment option being :shit: PayPal :shit:.
Seems they are universally available now. Time to get one.
I doubt the bus is fast enough on the PS1, and to my knowledge nothing in this regard exists.
The most powerful expansion possibilities are in the parallel I/O. Just think of the external MPEG-1 decoders for playing standard VCD.

FreePSXBoot exploit is a convenient way of starting CD-R without modchip. UniROM might be worth looking at.

Do not most consoles have FTP programs you can either reboot into or run in the background in some cases (albeit slower than dedicated)?
How are you going to do that with the PS1? Are there any network connectors? Would be cool.
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I was thinking more the DS and such at that point.

However https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_Link_Cable or a variation on the theme might be persuaded to do something if you can fit it in memory (or possibly in this case fix a set of assets you load from disc and update code accordingly to stash in memory) a la the GBA multiboot cable, and some of the "cheat" devices used to mod things could also get updates via PC to possibly dodge burning things which in turn could be used in this.
That does not sound like a good plan. In the end a homebrew game should work on any console, not require specialized hardware upgrades. For development no CD-R is good. A final version should at least optionally work from CD-R (it feels like 80% of the PS1 consoles are modchipped anyway, so CD-R loading is as basic as you can get).
I meant indeed during development I don't want to waste any cd-r's and hope to find another way to boot homebrew. What I've found so far is that there is a memorycard exploit FreePSXBoot that at least makes hardware modification less of a problem. You just need a memorycard and copy the "corrupt" image to it.

I don't know the details of how it works exactly because I have not looked into it yet. But I do know by default it does something...and then waits for a disk in the drive. I am "ok" with burning a single disk that contains another type of loader that can then load homebrew from any other port. It might not exist yet...but that does not mean it can't be done. ^_^ I agree I should avoid the requirement for special hardware, but if it's low cost in the range of less than 10 euro's / dollars it should be fine. Especially if it also gives more options to load other homebrew eventually.

There is also the MemCard Pro that gives many possibilities for the exact features I am looking for! I have read the FreePSXBoot exploit is compatible with it...so no need to waste an original card for that. It can load extra memorycard images from an sd card and it is based on an ESP32 chip I think....giving it WiFi access and many more possibilities with that. I really hope the firmware for this thing is opensource or that they are willing to add special memorycard commands to facilitate some extra features.

MX4SIO for PS2? Last time I looked it was available from the USA only with the only payment option being :shit: PayPal :shit:.
Seems they are universally available now. Time to get one.
I doubt the bus is fast enough on the PS1, and to my knowledge nothing in this regard exists.
The most powerful expansion possibilities are in the parallel I/O. Just think of the external MPEG-1 decoders for playing standard VCD.
Correct, I got my MX4SIO from Amazon NL for 15 euro's in the full SD size variant. Still need to test it out but it looks and feels good enough in quality. And all this is is a passive adapter from the SD card pins to the memory slot. I am hoping that the SD adapter for the PS2 is electrically compatible with the PS1...this will allow similar functionality as SD Gecko on the GameCube.

In theory a diffrent build of FreePSXBoot can trigger the MemCard Pro into a different mode and load a second stage homebrew loader from SD card or it's internal memory. It might be true that the memorycard slot's on the PS1 are not fast enough....I know for sure the memory chips in the official cards are slow. Good enough for saving games but not for bulk storage access at high speeds.

It won't be easy....but I do think it's possible and at least worth to give it a shot! My only barrier to actually do this is that I do not own any PlayStation 1 myself! I do have the classic from a few years ago....but that is an ARM single board computer with a PSX emulator. I knew it was powerful at the time....but it's not the actual old hardware.

FreePSXBoot exploit is a convenient way of starting CD-R without modchip. UniROM might be worth looking at.
I really want to look at all possible options, so thanks for this additional one. There is much to learn before I can say I understand the PSX as well as I do the GameCube and Wii. But because the hardware design is so old it becomes "simple" to learn and understand with all of the resources of today.

I have decided now that I am really going to get a PSX with a couple original games I might like. Meaning Rayman and Crash bandicoot mostly because I know nothing else, hahaha. I have found a shop called "Used Products" which is literally their name and what they sell and have multiple locations here in the Netherlands.

I found one store that is 30-45min drive that has two consoles and about 20 listed games. It's the same shop where I bought one of my PS Vita's a few years ago. They give a three month warranty on what they sell so that's more than the likes of ebay and whatever. Prices seem reasonable as well: 40 euro's for a console including the cables, controller and memory card.

As for development I think I have to look into what homebrew devkit's are available. I have found a few but some are outdated or based on the original sony kit...meaning they are a bit of a grey area to use. Then I would need a way to compile a first "hello world" type of demo and make a disk image of that. Test it on an emulator and see how that goes. Add a bunch of stuff and hopefully even the title screen of BatteryCheck and the splashscreens! That would be awesome.

Another thing I am going to look at is giving it USB-C Power Delivery! The required watts are low enough for it to work and I have seen others do it so it's possible!

If anything notable happens I'll make a new blog post with more information offcourse. :D
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A PlayStation 1 has been ordered and will be delivered tomorrow! :D

With just a few games to get started:
- Rayman 1 and 2
- Mickey's Wild Adventure
- Moto Racer
- G-Police (have this one for many years...most likely in storage now. somewhere)

In addition to that I have also ordered two link cables so I can cut one up to use as a PSX-Serial -> USB cable later. I have already found examples and tools that will allow the upload of homebrew code and data from a PC using this cable! While it's going to work it's also going to be SLOW!!! At 115200 baud that is around 14.4kb/s....meaning filling the 2MB of RAM alone will take 2,5 minutes!!! This should be fine for testing though...and I have seen there is a faster mode that (might) work that's almost three times faster!

I don't know if the console I have ordered is modded already, I'll assume it's not just to not have any disappointments. I also got two third-party memory cards for whatever and a "cheat cartridge" that plugs into the parallel port on the back. It was not specified the console had a parallel I/O...but hopefully the shop has half a brain and figures that's what I would need/want to make that work. right?;) The "cheat cartridge" will hopefully be compatible with unirom and allow it to be reflashed to make boot times to homebrew really fast!

The second homebrew method is FreePSXBoot that normally requires a memory card to be flashed with a special image. But I have found a project that uses a Raspberry Pi Pico to simulate a memorycard with an SD card! SO if this works I might not have to sacrifice a functional memory card for this at all!!!

What is also intteresting is the possibility of adding features to the Pico that will give more functionality! If for example the SD card loading would be faster than the serial method...that would be an enormous win already! But I am thinking to far ahead now...I should first receive the console and test it for a while to make sure everything is ok with it. Then check if it might be already chipped and boots a CD-R with unirom installer. If it does not work...then I could prepare a rpi-pico with the project I mentioned to simulate a memory card with freepsxboot...and then hopefully that cheatcart is compatible...and my console actually has the parallel I/O port to begin with!

In any case I will now have the possibility to tinker with the hardware and try things on it! I could have put this in a whole new blog post maybe...but I'll do that when I have the console and have tested it to be working and all.:D
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I don't know if the console I have ordered is modded already, I'll assume it's not just to not have any disappointments. I also got two third-party memory cards for whatever and a "cheat cartridge" that plugs into the parallel port on the back. It was not specified the console had a parallel I/O...but hopefully the shop has half a brain and figures that's what I would need/want to make that work. right?***** The "cheat cartridge" will hopefully be compatible with unirom and allow it to be reflashed to make boot times to homebrew really fast!
Professional resellers usually don't buy modded consoles (if there are people working there with any knowledge at all) – most likely fearing legal trouble selling them again containing "piracy tools". Yes, I know, pirating decades old PS1 games…

The cheat device (received one – brand new and with packaging – myself today) might be enough for loading CD-R with the help of a simple spring (or other method of blocking the lid closed button. Usually advertised as "import loader" (or not mentioned at all), these cheat devices allow for the greatly simplified and safe swap trick.
Insert legit disc from correct region, turn on, wait very short time until the drive stops. Remove disc without the console noticing (spring or other method) and insert CD-R. Then start from the user interface your cheat device shows.
If that works you'll have an easy time starting Unirom Boot-CD for installing FreePSXBoot.

Sadly that no-name thing I've received today contains very, very few preloaded cheats. Is there any software to upload new ones with parallel cable? It has a parallel port (like an old PC) on the back. Manually entering codes would take weeks.

The second homebrew method is FreePSXBoot that normally requires a memory card to be flashed with a special image. But I have found a project that uses a Raspberry Pi Pico to simulate a memorycard with an SD card! SO if this works I might not have to sacrifice a functional memory card for this at all!!!
As interesting as such projects are, I'd be too lazy to solder around instead of just using some Memory Card. I've flashed one for the SCPH-1002 in the picture above and one for some newer consoles.

For CD-R loading nothing beats a good modchip. No exploits, no cheat devices, no memory card, no springs, no swapping, nothing. The PsNee I've installed two years ago is delighting (at least it would be… if I was able to play games with my botched life…)

With just a few games to get started:
- Rayman 1 and 2
- Mickey's Wild Adventure
- Moto Racer
- G-Police (have this one for many years...most likely in storage now. somewhere)
Rayman 1 is hard! Rayman 2 is the only version with voice acting (I like such things, some people don't…)
Mickey… Solid side scroller with a lot of CDDA tracks
I got G-Police on the flea market recently as Platinum edition for 3€ which is good nowadays→ Getting arbitrary Platinum titles suitable for destroying them once I've got a sufficient light source – probably not before moving to another house.
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I thought I should wait until I got my package and had tested the system. Which happened about 2 hours ago and I have been testing and playing with it since! :D

Luckily it has a Parallel I/O port and everything seems to work at first glance! The 4 new games were the first thing I tried when I unpacked it, and I was a bit disappointed to be honest! The shop said they would "resurface" the discs making them look like new again...but I have two with very noticeable scratches! And one of them, moto racer, refuces to load far enough into the actual game. It shows the "do not copy" message, a splash screen, a video of the studio that created it, and then it launches some video intro and it just locks up completely! Cleaning the disc got me a whole 1.5 seconds further in that intro video....so that sucks!!!

Rayman 2 seems to work...and Mickey mostly works too. Only 2-3 lockups so far.....not my best first impression of a so called "legendary game system" (just made that line up! ^_^) I have not tested Rayman 1 yet but I sure hope it works better than the other ones. What bugs me the most is everything feels "slow"....might be because it's a PAL system but I think developers...even then...should have compensated for this. The framerate is one thing but the overal run speed should be just snappy! I have rayman 2 on the N64 and from what I remember it's MUCH better and more smooth! The voice acting is a nice addition though.

Professional resellers usually don't buy modded consoles (if there are people working there with any knowledge at all) – most likely fearing legal trouble selling them again containing "piracy tools". Yes, I know, pirating decades old PS1 games…

The cheat device (received one – brand new and with packaging – myself today) might be enough for loading CD-R with the help of a simple spring (or other method of blocking the lid closed button. Usually advertised as "import loader" (or not mentioned at all), these cheat devices allow for the greatly simplified and safe swap trick.
Insert legit disc from correct region, turn on, wait very short time until the drive stops. Remove disc without the console noticing (spring or other method) and insert CD-R. Then start from the user interface your cheat device shows.
I would have thought so too but after burning a Unirom boot disk it started right up without the need for any swap trick! And the "cheat cartridge" which I had no interest in actually using I have just flashed with Unirom and that worked out great! It boots in 1 second from powerup which is awesome! And just for good measure I have also installed it onto one of the (cheap) memory card's I also ordered with the system.

I had to really think hard where and if I even still had any CD-R's in the house! But I once bought a spindle of LightScribe DVD's and CD's and they were still ALL in their sealed packing! LightScribe seemed to cool but I never found the correct Linux compatible software for burning and image onto a lightscribe disc. And for the last 5 years I did not really care about it either.

Sadly that no-name thing I've received today contains very, very few preloaded cheats. Is there any software to upload new ones with parallel cable? It has a parallel port (like an old PC) on the back. Manually entering codes would take weeks.
Mine also has a old style PC parallel looking port...or more like ancient serial port actually. No idea what it does or how to use it. I opened the cartridge and I could only see three IC's of which one is a simple 74H??? (forgot) logic chip, the flash/eeprom and another unknown chip. It had markings but I forgot. I am assuming it's some kind of old FPGA/CLPD kind of thing.

Either way the Unirom installer recognized the EEPROM chip and I could write Unirom into it and it works really fast after boot! I have no idea what I can do with it all but at least it's installed and it boots. In less than a second.
As interesting as such projects are, I'd be too lazy to solder around instead of just using some Memory Card. I've flashed one for the SCPH-1002 in the picture above and one for some newer consoles.

For CD-R loading nothing beats a good modchip. No exploits, no cheat devices, no memory card, no springs, no swapping, nothing. The PsNee I've installed two years ago is delighting (at least it would be… if I was able to play games with my botched life…)
I wanted to use it instead of burning a CD at first but I agree, awesome and intteresting project but to lazy to put it together when burning a CD is much easier and faster. And while I find it wasteful to burn a 70MB image onto a 700MB disc it's not like I have another better purpose for these disc that might be 8-10 years old by now!

I will one day go back to that project though. Just because it's really cool! But I also want to get a MemCard Pro...which seems to me like "the same thing" but then a finished product you can buy and just works! It can even work together with Unirom to create a separate virtual memory card for each game you launch. Even originals!

I got a SCPH-7002 model it says on the label and it's a PAL unit. I think from poland or something...as the "Warning high voltage inside" message is in what looks to me like polish. I could be wrong...google lens translate's it which is how I know it says high voltage but it does not say what language it was.
Rayman 1 is hard! Rayman 2 is the only version with voice acting (I like such things, some people don't…)
Mickey… Solid side scroller with a lot of CDDA tracks
I got G-Police on the flea market recently as Platinum edition for 3€ which is good nowadays→ Getting arbitrary Platinum titles suitable for destroying them once I've got a sufficient light source – probably not before moving to another house.
Not sure what you mean by "destroying them"...but I do not like the visual style of the platinum discs. They are really boring! I think I remember G-Police having the logo and being purple/blue-ish on both discs! And from the "new" discs only Rayman 1 is a non-platinum game...but it still looks kinda boring in a single yellow color. At least it has rayman on the disc.

I have Mickey Mania on the sega Mega Drive and while it's basically the same game in many way's....the music is not. I think I like the mega drive version better....maybe because it's the first version I have ever played. Not as a kid though since I only got the MegaDrive in 2010/2011 or something. But it's one of the games I really liked and tried to finish...but I was so bad at it! Did make it to the moose level just one...but did not make it beyond that!
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