Review cover Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons (Nintendo Switch)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): July 27, 2023
  • Release Date (EU): July 27, 2023
  • Publisher: Modus Games
  • Developer: Secret Base PTe LTD
  • Genres: Beat em Up
  • Also For: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
Double Dragon is a smash-hit classic that was first released in 1987! Can this 2023 re-imagining capture lightning in a bottle again?


Brothers Billy and Jimmy embark on a fresh quest this time combining fan favourite Beat 'em up aspects with Roguelite gameplay elements. Set in 199X the brothers want to rid the nuclear-devastated streets of New York of the gangs that have taken root in the city who promote lawlessness, rioting and crime.

You start out by selecting your character, choosing from Uncle Matin, Billy, Jimmy, or Marian at first. Each personality has its own attributes such as power, range or speed for example, so it's worth starting out with a character you are comfortable with, and a tag partner that expands or contrasts your primary character's abilities.

With the power to unlock at least nine additional characters, there's plenty to work through to 100% DDG:RD in its entirety!

The game looks fantastic with a 2D side-on aesthetic more akin to that of Metal Slug than Streets of Rage 4, for example, and where the original DD titles perhaps aimed for a somewhat more realistic approach; this game is all out chibi-tooned which plays to the strength of the title in droves.

I would agree with the majority that this game doesn't really look like an OG Double Dragon title, it's missing the typically gritty look and digitised "verismo", however, this is a somewhat refreshing blocky/pixelated coat of paint that actually works pretty well in differentiating it from the originals.


Classic Gameplay, Modern Twists

At its core DDG:RD is a button-smashing side-scrolling beat 'em up, however, it pulls a few neat tricks by throwing in mechanics such as permadeath, skill tree progression, combo-meters, and partner tagging. Couch co-op is also included as standard!

The move-set of each character is varied and diverse. Each of the four base characters has individual strengths and quirks, and there are some truly bountiful upgrade paths to grind through for each one of them via the end-of-stage upgrade screen and the token shop.

Smashing out beefy chained combos grants you heftier coins and item drops, and in turn, you can buy bigger and better upgrades for your player. Make the game harder and you'll unlock these perks faster, but decrease the difficulty and you'll be slaving away for a long time to get those goodies in the bag.

Each stage includes bonus objectives and kingpin special K.O. bounties to test your mettle while finishing the stages with excess time and health remaining serves to increase the potential payout at the end of the bout.

Skills to unlock include but are not limited to: multitudes of move masteries, quicker/full SP recovery and less SP used modifiers, extra strength/health regenerates when you hit under 50% health, shield when tagging in a partner, increased movement speed, and various additional perks for performing set numbers of special K.O's for example.


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Graphically the game runs incredibly fluidly, with little to no stutter throughout, however, I felt that on the Switch the load times were quite lengthy. Sure, I'm spoiled by my PS5's NVMe speeds, but this felt obnoxiously long in places and, sadly, broke up the pace a bit when playing for long periods. I guess if there was one area a Switch successor would immediately benefit from, this would be it; loading speeds, so it's not entirely all the games issue.

The soundtrack is banging and the SFX are impactful and prominent, giving it a real arcade feel which I really enjoyed.

The stages are interestingly themed per gang, and suitably varied. They even include short platforming elements such as timing double jumps to navigate sinkholes, or dodging falling debris.

I also quite liked that you can tackle any gang in any order you like, so you can really mix it up as much as you like every playthrough.


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Formulaic Yet Fresh, Nostalgia Meets New

This isn't a remake, instead, it can be thought of as a reimagining of a tried and tested formula with added poke.

While I was hacking away at the enemies and collecting flurries of pickups I realised that the developers have not only tapped into long-time-gamers' memories, but they have also propelled the series into modernity by pairing standard beat 'em up ingredients with the sort of features the gamers of today want and to some extent: expect.

Choosing your own battle order makes the game exponentially more varied because in doing so it makes the proceeding levels progressively harder. No matter which way round you decide do it: the game evolves and changes to ensure the difficulty spikes at just the right point to test your ability to continually upgrade yourself sufficiently throughout.

Charging you tokens to play feels like pay-walling each run, just as you would have been standing at an arcade machine in the 80s/90s: get good or pay more tokens to go further!

The benefit of this modal is that you are sat in the comfort of your own home AND it doesn't mean endlessly feeding physical coins into a machine to continue playing: the devs have virtualized this process along with the base notion of arcade-continuation, and also given you the option to cash out to build up your character in order to start out again more buffed each time.


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Heaps To Unlock, Plenty to Replay

DDG:RD is a rock solid beat 'em up with a slew of unlockables and a host of reasons to replay it: regardless of the sub-2-hour completion time. Yes the game is "finishable" in around an hour and a half, but the game constantly calls you back for more with its character unlocks, varied skillset load-outs and crushing combo system and interesting rogue-lite mechanics mixed in where, for example, you can choose to delete your level progress in favour of cashing out tokens to boost your character progression; this game truly keeps you playing and keeps you yearning for more runs of button-smashing fun.

I really enjoyed getting my hands on Double Dragon Gaiden and I think that anyone with a hankering for a bit more pixelated side-scrolling action is bound to enjoy this rambunctious retro romp all the way through to the GAME OVER screen.



What We Liked ...
  • Fantastic gameplay with a solid combo system
  • Plenty of unlockables and characters
  • Skill trees to flesh out each character
  • Take down the gangs in any order you like
  • Tag in a friend for local co-op!
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Loading times seemed excessive in places
  • Short but incredibly sweet
Superbly playable, incredibly hard to put down: Rise of the Dragons really is a strong outing for the arcade Beat Em Up genre and the Double Dragon series.
The toned-down chibi-toon art style for the characters looks great while the whole game, menus and overlays, has a definite "retro" art style to it that really helps to accentuate the arcade-feel gameplay.
Lasting Appeal
With a fast-paced play style and varied methods of upgrading each character, it means that you will experience almost very few identical playthroughs provided you explore all your options.
out of 10


Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons carves out its own unique character against its predecessors and provides a fantastically edgy game that consistently calls you back for more!
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Finished it. Overrated. Okay for a single playtrought, but combat is not very deep or hard to master to be motivated to play again and again. 'roguelike' upgrades aren't very varied won't able to push to change your combat style on the fly, like in Hades, for example. Visuals are also very mid, maybe even amateur-tier at some places, not an eye candy.

Certainly not a match to some awesome beatemups we got lately.
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Looks pretty sick, I wasn't aware it was coming out so soon. Way too much stuff to play as it is though and too little time :sleep: good problem to have I guess :unsure:
I don't think it is the Switch's fault loading times are long but rather the game. More demanding titles have better loading time.
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I don't think it is the Switch's fault loading times are long but rather the game. More demanding titles have better loading time.
I wasn’t sure if it was just me, but I thought it felt way too long.

I attributed it to my expectations when playing PS5 where losing times are almost nonexistent in comparison.
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i can't get over the artwork and va choices. it looks fun but I just can't... maybe on sale if there is a way to disable all the grunts and battle cries.
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After playing the game, everything feels so slow and lagging. Its annoying to play, and blocky graphics doesnt help it. And i really mean BLOCKY...its to blocky!

Turtles sprites are way more artistic, expressive and pleasant to look at, as well as river city girls. This is like some cheap mobile game.
Refunded the game.
Finished it. Overrated. Okay for a single playtrought, but combat is not very deep or hard to master to be motivated to play again and again. 'roguelike' upgrades aren't very varied won't able to push to change your combat style on the fly, like in Hades, for example. Visuals are also very mid, maybe even amateur-tier at some places, not an eye candy.

Certainly not a match to some awesome beatemups we got lately.
I admire the dedication to finish this game. I couldnt....felt like a chore.
After playing the game, everything feels so slow and lagging. Its annoying to play, and blocky graphics doesnt help it. And i really mean BLOCKY...its to blocky!

Turtles sprites are way more artistic, expressive and pleasant to look at, as well as river city girls. This is like some cheap mobile game.
Refunded the game.
I really like the art style, but I absolutely cannot take slow. Did you play on Switch?
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i heard from a youtuber there going add online soon but i'm not sure how soon. that's when i'm going buy or if it goes on sale for 10 dollars maybe 15 if i feel like it.
After playing the game, everything feels so slow and lagging. Its annoying to play, and blocky graphics doesnt help it. And i really mean BLOCKY...its to blocky!

Turtles sprites are way more artistic, expressive and pleasant to look at, as well as river city girls. This is like some cheap mobile game.
Refunded the game.
I've started the game a few days ago and I felt exactly the same

I feel like the game would feel so so much better if it was running at 200% speed. Every move is SLOOOOOOOOW, the time it takes to give back control after a combo is SLOOOOOW that's actually insane how slow the game is

Compared to a similar pixelated beat them up like Fight'N'Rage, there's no contest. Graphically and gameplay-wise. Even Beat Street on Android looks MUCH better and play smoother despite being designed to be played with one thumb.

I don't understand how some people say on Steam that this is the most fun they've had in a beat them up game. I just don't understand why somebody couldn't have fun on SoR4 or Shredder's Revenge.

More than 15€ is already expensive for this imho, so 22.49 ? 25€ out of sale ? Nuh huh. This is the same price of fucking Streets of Rage 4 and that actually blows my mind.
I really like the art style, but I absolutely cannot take slow. Did you play on Switch?
I can tolerate the artstyle, but as you said, its so slow and it has pauses, which i cant stand. Stopped playing.
No, havent tried on switch, why?
I've started the game a few days ago and I felt exactly the same

I feel like the game would feel so so much better if it was running at 200% speed. Every move is SLOOOOOOOOW, the time it takes to give back control after a combo is SLOOOOOW that's actually insane how slow the game is

Compared to a similar pixelated beat them up like Fight'N'Rage, there's no contest. Graphically and gameplay-wise. Even Beat Street on Android looks MUCH better and play smoother despite being designed to be played with one thumb.

I don't understand how some people say on Steam that this is the most fun they've had in a beat them up game. I just don't understand why somebody couldn't have fun on SoR4 or Shredder's Revenge.

More than 15€ is already expensive for this imho, so 22.49 ? 25€ out of sale ? Nuh huh. This is the same price of fucking Streets of Rage 4 and that actually blows my mind.
SoR4, Shredder's REvenge, River City Girls, i love those games, played them multiple times.
As for why others love slow...i also dont get it. I get that gameplay is slow, i like slow gameplay as well, but controlls to be slow is just stupid imo.

Id probably pay 7$ for this game tbh.
I can tolerate the artstyle, but as you said, its so slow and it has pauses, which i cant stand. Stopped playing.
No, havent tried on switch, why?
I've never read any reviews that complained it was slow, but also none of them were playing on Switch, so I thought maybe it was a hardware problem.

I will say I've never liked the Double Dragon games because they are slow compared to Streets of Rage, Ninja Turtles or even River City Ransom (which had the same original dev), but I'm surprised they kept that slowness in the new one when most new interpretations speed everything up.
I've never read any reviews that complained it was slow, but also none of them were playing on Switch, so I thought maybe it was a hardware problem.

I will say I've never liked the Double Dragon games because they are slow compared to Streets of Rage, Ninja Turtles or even River City Ransom (which had the same original dev), but I'm surprised they kept that slowness in the new one when most new interpretations speed everything up.
it's slow by design, not lagging. It goes like this: You bunch, get slight pause, knocksback, you fall on ground need time to get up etc... that kind of slow. Annoying for my taste.
it's slow by design, not lagging. It goes like this: You bunch, get slight pause, knocksback, you fall on ground need time to get up etc... that kind of slow. Annoying for my taste.
That’s exactly how Super Double Dragon was. It was fun for its time, but even I remember it for being slow all the way back then. Some people love it though so who knows.
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That’s exactly how Super Double Dragon was. It was fun for its time, but even I remember it for being slow all the way back then. Some people love it though so who knows.
Than it's made for niche demographic which i'm not a part off i guess.
As i always say, an option in menu wouldn't kill them to implement "classic", "modern" etc...

But oh well, there are plenty of other, better games for everyone. I guess they just don't like the money.
That's fine, cause i don't like the game LoL
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Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): July 27, 2023
  • Release Date (EU): July 27, 2023
  • Publisher: Modus Games
  • Developer: Secret Base PTe LTD
  • Genres: Beat em Up
  • Also For: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Ratings for it are calling it bad, but it looks cool. Damn 48/100 rating.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    looks are deceiving
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea people always down vote games anymore seems like, good or bad, bunch of haters
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, review bombing?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yeah seems like people hate on original ideas anymore
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Oh were sorry our small dev team can't shit out a cod clone every 6 months
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Mostly positive on steam
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Eew, you use steam, I'm down voting you cause you not using or playing what I like.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yes and epic and gog, sleep with me
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, whats wrong with steam?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Nothing, I was just teasing
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    He's a big tease trying to take my booty
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    No, I don't wanna make ancientboi mad, I know you two already have a thing going
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    He divorced me once I threatened him with the fbi
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    he also fucked uremum despite being gay
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yeah so did you and I want back child support pay enjoy the lawsuits
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @K3Nv2, im virgin
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    So was mother Theresa
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @XdqwertyThat's ok, he is too
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Uremum doesn't think so
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: good night