Review cover Final Fantasy XVI (PlayStation 5)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): June 22, 2023
  • Publisher: Square Enix
  • Genres: JRPG

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
Square Enix makes another attempt at bringing an action combat system to Final Fantasy. Combined with a darker tone and more medieval flair, is this change what the series needed?


Final Fantasy has always been a series that never quite hooked me, despite my best attempts. I was much more likely to enjoy the more anime-themed adventures in Tales of games, or the focus on character-driven stories in Persona. When I think of Final Fantasy, I think of Tidus' goofy laugh in Final Fantasy X, or the incredibly weird journey to space in Final Fantasy VIII; games that never felt like they could stick the landing on their emotional moments. I was intrigued by Final Fantasy XVI's trailers, however, which promised a story that would span years of the protagonist's life, tearing through a war-torn world on a quest for revenge. 

On top of that, Final Fantasy XVI was set to undergo some massive changes compared to other titles in the franchise. Its predecessor, Final Fantasy XV, was criticized for its pivot into action-based gameplay, and while XVI was set to continue the trend of action-RPG combat, PlatinumGames, along with Square Enix's Kingdom Hearts team would be brought on to assist in the game's development, while Naoki Yoshida--Yoshi-P of Final Fantasy XIV fame--would be brought on to produce the project and try to improve upon the groundwork that XV laid. 


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Right off the bat, you can see how these changes impacted Final Fantasy XVI; the second you take control of main character Clive Rosfield, you can feel how fluid and flashy the combat is. This is more Devil May Cry or Bayonetta than Final Fantasy, and I mean that in the best way possible. Fighting is seamless and makes it easy for newcomers to jump in, while still having layers for experienced players to really dig into. Racking up combos through chained attacks is incredibly satisfying, and there's a certain visual flair to everything that only PlatinumGames knows how to pull off. 

Early on, you won't have much to work with; you're just a soldier with a sword and a tiny bit of fire magic. As the game opens up, so do your abilities, which is when you can go to town with perfect dodges, charged magic attacks, and chained special attacks of various elements. It's an addictive gameplay style that rewards you for playing skillfully, and punishes you if you're just trying to mash the face buttons. Usually, you can expect to further your attacks by equipping certain items and crafting/finding/buying cool weapons to take things further, but that's not quite the case. Yes, there are plenty of items to equip, but it always feels like a linear upgrade that you should craft, because it makes your stats better. There's not much in the way of putting together an equipment set that caters to your playstyle, or your build. There's equally little in the way of tactically inflicting status effects or buffs. In that way, it's an action game with some RPG aspects that feel quite hollow. 


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Final Fantasy XVI focuses on a more grounded, medieval world, eschewing the franchise's dalliances with sci-fi. It features a lot of political intrigue, very much akin to something like Game of Thrones, feeling very much more Western-inspired than a "JRPG", too. Clive, while he is born of royalty, isn't seen as such, as he lacks the power of the Eikons. The end of the prologue also sees him stripped of everything he's ever had, and while it's a little cliche, it sets up his character arc nicely for a world-spanning quest of self-discovery and growth. That being said, while it has a strong starting point, there's a lot about this game that feels distinctly unfamiliar compared to other Final Fantasy games. There's a lot to like, but I can't help but feel like in its attempts to branch out and try new things, this entry has lost a little bit of the Final Fantasy identity. 

One of the most iconic aspects of Final Fantasy is the summons, and fortunately, they're back, though in a new form. Rather than exist as separate beings that various characters can call upon, in XVI, summons are referred to as Eikons, creatures that only those with a certain bloodline have access to, which the user transforms into and becomes. Initially, the only one you see having this power is Clive's brother, who has the power to turn into Phoenix, though he lacks the power to control it, while other series mainstays appear throughout dramatic moments in the story; you can expect to see Ifrit, Shiva, Bahamut, and others in your journey through the world of Valisthea. Certain story moments will also see two Eikons pitted against each other, with you controlling one of them in a massive over-the-top explosive Kaiju-esque battle. These are some of the most memorable and exciting fights in FFXVI. The huge scale of two magical beings clashing is represented well, as you ravage the land around you with ridiculous fireballs, or punch an enemy so hard that it goes flying into and destroys a mountain. It's straight-up fun, while also helping represent just how overpowered Eikons are compared to regular humans for the narrative's sake. 


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Disappointingly, you can only ever control Clive, and any party members that tag along during certain story missions are completely AI-controlled. Given the story's focus on Clive, and how intricate his skill tree gets, it might take away focus to have a party of characters that you could choose to play as, but it doesn't mean it's not a let down, despite that. At the very least, you have a constant companion in the form of Torgal the wolf-dog--and yes, you can pet him whenever you want--who you can issue heal or attack commands to. 

While they're not playable, Final Fantasy XVI's supporting cast makes up for it by having some impressively written dialogue, matched by solid voice-acting performance. The game takes itself very seriously, with plenty of long cutscenes that either flesh out the world, the characters, or serve to tease what's to come. There's a lot going on, and the story has a lot to say about war, social commentary, inequality, and surprisingly deep topics. Nearly all of it is interesting, though it has a tendency to overwhelm you with lore, throwing out names of countries, unknown terminology, and rulers that you as the player aren't aware of. Square Enix smartly came up with the amusingly-named Active Time Lore, which is just a fancy glossary that you can refer to, chock-full of everything you need to know about the intricate narrative and effort that's been put into the world-building. 

Final Fantasy XVI, much like its protagonist, is on a long journey of trying to find itself. I think that this is a much more positive step in the right direction, and an overall fantastic game, but in its efforts to correct some of its predecessor's worst flaws, it managed to go a little too far and lose some of the charm that makes Final Fantasy what it is. That being said, the strong writing and incredibly fun combat system do make this a game worth playing, but those looking for something undeniably "Final Fantasy" might be left wanting. 


What We Liked ...
  • Eikon battles are super cool
  • The world-building and story are top notch
  • Final Fantasy finally has respectable action combat
  • Stellar soundtrack
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Inconsistent framerate even on performance mode
  • 90% of the side quests feel like boring padding
  • Crafting/gear feels a little too basic
Final Fantasy has stumbled with its fixation with action combat, but this time around, they nail it. PlatinumGames' assistance on developing the combat system is very readily apparent, and is also very a welcome addition.
Incredible voice performances, great UI design, and impressive graphics combine for what truly feels like a "next-gen" game that the PS5 has needed. If only the performance was more consistent, however.
Lasting Appeal
Most side quests in the game feel like someone stripped the most mundane side quests from FFXIV and reused them here, which feels like unnecessary padding. If you ignore that, FFXVI's pacing is solid, and you'll be busy digging deep into the complex combat for a while.
out of 10


PlatinumGames' influence on Final Fantasy's action combat is a massive step in the right direction. That, combined with a thrilling war epic narrative and interesting characters makes for one fantastic game.
I have absolutely zero interest in this game. Not only have I had little interest in Final Fantasy (the only three I've ever completed, and all only once, were 4 DS, 1 Dawn of Souls on GBA, and 12 The Zodiac Age on PC), but all but removing the turn-based RPG elements in this turn-based JRPG series is fucking retarded. 7 Remake and 12: ZA at least tried to satisfy both the turn-based and action crowds, in their own ways, but no turn-based elements at all? No real 'party' that sticks with the player character for most of the game?

Hard pass. I consider this as much of an unnecessary and unwelcome genre change as BotW made to Legend of Zelda.
I have absolutely zero interest in this game. Not only have I had little interest in Final Fantasy (the only three I've ever completed, and all only once, were 4 DS, 1 Dawn of Souls on GBA, and 12 The Zodiac Age on PC), but all but removing the turn-based RPG elements in this turn-based JRPG series is fucking retarded. 7 Remake and 12: ZA at least tried to satisfy both the turn-based and action crowds, in their own ways, but no turn-based elements at all? No real 'party' that sticks with the player character for most of the game?

Hard pass. I consider this as much of an unnecessary and unwelcome genre change as BotW made to Legend of Zelda.

Cool story, bro. A person who's not really a fan of FF has zero interest in the latest in the series. Imagine that! Your post is like reading a horror movie review written by a person who admits off the bat they are not a horror movie fan.
Definitely made the complete transition from RPG to Action game with RPG elements. I'm really liking it so far, but it doesn't feel like final fantasy. Feels more like devil may cry with summons in fantasy europe. Which is fine, it's a fun experience....but I definitely miss turn-based games. For context, Bravely default and I Am Setsuna were my favorite game for a while, but octopath traveler bored me with its story-telling. Meaning, the story is an important part of it for me, not just the genre. so as long as that part is super strong, i'll continue to follow the Final Fantasy games. But dang, do I miss my strategy game.

For me, it's as if megaman games stopped being about pew-pew and platforming, and instead became...megaman network games only. Like, they're great games but...why get rid of the pew-pew? it's a bit sad that we'll never get a FFIX or FF7 level experience again.
I have absolutely zero interest in this game. Not only have I had little interest in Final Fantasy (the only three I've ever completed, and all only once, were 4 DS, 1 Dawn of Souls on GBA, and 12 The Zodiac Age on PC), but all but removing the turn-based RPG elements in this turn-based JRPG series is fucking retarded. 7 Remake and 12: ZA at least tried to satisfy both the turn-based and action crowds, in their own ways, but no turn-based elements at all? No real 'party' that sticks with the player character for most of the game?

Hard pass. I consider this as much of an unnecessary and unwelcome genre change as BotW made to Legend of Zelda.
Botw made record sales for Zelda, expect to see more games of it's lineage soon.
This might be a great game, but it's certainly a terrible Final Fantasy. Most likely the worst of them all.
They should have really killed the IP/made a new one if they wanted to change it so dramatically.
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While I appreciate the art and the ideas they were going for, this abandonment of turn-based fighting really removes the "Final Fantasy" from these games for me.
I grew up playing FF1 on NES, and have played through almost all of them since, but the changes they are making now to the series just don't make it much of a Final Fantasy game for me.
>Boring Padding

Well this alone confirmed they made up an excuse to knock the review rating down another .2 to .3 . Seems world building now is padding!
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The game is great! And I've played all the Final Fantasies, at least from 4 and onwards. To those of you complaining about it not being turn based - just go play something else, there are plenty of turn based games :)
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Fun game but it has it's problems, definitely not a 9 for me personally. Exploring this game and it gives you 20 generic crafting materials in a chest or how boring the rewards in side quest are besides the "!" and not to mention hard difficulty is locked behind New Game+ when the game was already easy were terrible decisions. One other small nitpick from me is the ability to not sprint in towns and in your base.

I'll play the game again when they announce more story DLC. Other than that I'm not gonna touch New Game+
I have to say, I bought this on release and although the graphics were great, the game was way too easy, that completely killed all interest for me, sold it quickly after, never completed it
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Amazing game, even though the gameplay have nothing to do with final fantasy or jrpg in general, but still great story with great characters and great boss fights supported by the an amazing soundtracks.
My problems with it only for side quests and the filler missions in between, as a long FF fan I wish xvi was just straight action with no open areas because there is nothing to do in them.
But regardless, this was a great experience.
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>Boring Padding

Well this alone confirmed they made up an excuse to knock the review rating down another .2 to .3 . Seems world building now is padding!
Nah honestly I get what they mean. 90% is an exaggeration for sure, but the quests in the first half of the game don't really bring much of anything to the world compared to the ones you get in the second half. Special mention to the wolf quest tho, highlight of the first 15 hours lmao
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Nah honestly I get what they mean. 90% is an exaggeration for sure, but the quests in the first half of the game don't really bring much of anything to the world compared to the ones you get in the second half. Special mention to the wolf quest tho, highlight of the first 15 hours lmao
Having watched the first half, they establish a lot of stuff including how inhuman they treat branded, the conditions they take to survive in the world, etc.
Sounds like an awesome game, time to shell out dough for a PS, hopefully the rumored Ps5 Slim with detachable disk drive comes in with a price cut and slots in below the $400 digital Ps5.

Compared to God of War, for those who've played FF16, which is better; combat wise and story wise?
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I am very cautious about this game. I feel it doesn't have the charms of the Final fantasy at all, the only proves it's FF so far is, it has Summons. But they seem oversold just to remind the fans it's still FF even though it's not.
I am not sold into this after playing the demo, but I guess I will play it a little more sometime later taking into account how positive this review is and accepting that what I am playing is not a Final Fantasy but something else that should be enjoyed as whatever it is.

PS: I guess I should accept already that whatever I liked from the Final Fantasy series has more of a presence in other current series like e.g. Trails.
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Imagine saying action combat isn't Final Fantasy'y when it's been action combat since 2006 lmfao. Yall some old ass mfers.

Ff12 had a janky af action combat, 13 slowly improved it despite being atrocious games, etc. It hasn't been turn based for over a decade.

The only difference is they finally figured out how the fuck to do action combat. You know. By hiring Platinum to do it.
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Imagine saying action combat isn't Final Fantasy'y when it's been action combat since 2006 lmfao. Yall some old ass mfers.

Ff12 had a janky af action combat, 13 slowly improved it despite being atrocious games, etc. It hasn't been turn based for over a decade.

The only difference is they finally figured out how the fuck to do action combat. You know. By hiring Platinum to do it.
XIII is absolutely not action, it's ATB like IV to IX.
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I haven't played this game but intend to do so in the next few months. I for one love the shift to action RPG since I have less and less patience for random turn-based battles. I also like FF XII a lot for that reason.

As far as crafting goes, I love it if it is "basic", since it's gonna be a welcome relief after the tedium of the Tears of the Kingdom grinding. I really dislike overcomplicated systems that are complex just for the sake of it.
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This I will 1000% be playing - Need to play FF15 but many negative reviews kinda put me off it, and I've watched too much gameplay footage to be surprised by anything (I think), but this time I'll go in almost entirely cold. Tbh, their marketing campaign for FF16 was like 1/10th that of FF15 so it really flew under my radar.
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Great review. I keep looking for secrets, but there aren't any. =(

Chary said:
When I think of Final Fantasy, I think of Tidus' goofy laugh in Final Fantasy X, or the incredibly weird journey to space in Final Fantasy VIII; games that never felt like they could stick the landing on their emotional moments.


@Chary wants you to stick the landing, Celes!


I saw an FFX meme, once.
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Definitely made the complete transition from RPG to Action game with RPG elements. I'm really liking it so far, but it doesn't feel like final fantasy. Feels more like devil may cry with summons in fantasy europe. Which is fine, it's a fun experience....but I definitely miss turn-based games. For context, Bravely default and I Am Setsuna were my favorite game for a while, but octopath traveler bored me with its story-telling. Meaning, the story is an important part of it for me, not just the genre. so as long as that part is super strong, i'll continue to follow the Final Fantasy games. But dang, do I miss my strategy game.

For me, it's as if megaman games stopped being about pew-pew and platforming, and instead became...megaman network games only. Like, they're great games but...why get rid of the pew-pew? it's a bit sad that we'll never get a FFIX or FF7 level experience again.
Yeah that's exactly my issue with the current Final Fantasy games. I'd understand if they were part of a spin-off series, like what Capcom did with Mega Man Battle Network and Star Force (which also had great RPG gameplay IMO), but shifting the game to an action RPG just killed any interest I had in the franchise. There are some pretty solid Japanese ARPGs, Xenoblade and the Tales games are really good for anime-esque ones.
I've been loving this so far! And this is speaking as some one who played and won both FFXV and FFX!
I relate to the sentimental takes on the FF series about the things that still remain consistent, but I have also learned that whether it is Square, Squaresoft, or Square-enix, they aren't afraid to f*ck FF by trying something new. Every iteration they change something in some radical manner.

I have learned to let go of expectations and try to experience every FF as a brand new game. It's helpful advice. People always argue about each iteration because they want to be the ones who know "how FF is defined". Problem is, they don't have the IP. FFXVI has a great story, music, characters, and scenery, and I am thankful for it. FFVII-remake is my favorite "modern" battle system. FFIX/VI/VII/VII-R had skill progression/leveling systems I appreciated the most.
@Chary, what Tales game would you recommend to someone who wants to experience one, but has no desire to "be into" an anime character? For further understanding, I thought that Persona 5 was a great story, but it seemed too intent in making me feel like the main character. (sorry for the many posts)
@Chary, what Tales game would you recommend to someone who wants to experience one, but has no desire to "be into" an anime character? For further understanding, I thought that Persona 5 was a great story, but it seemed too intent in making me feel like the main character. (sorry for the many posts)
I'm quite partial to Abyss, though some say the first few hours are rough, as you play as spoilt royalty. (it's worth it, imo).

But Tales of Vesperia might be more what you're looking for, though. It's got a great cast, solid story, and its main character is anything but a self-insert.
I tried Vesperia a couple of times for PS3 and PS4. I think both times I made it as far as the town where you need to get a boat. Can you encourage me to go further? When the ads were on TV, I felt excited to play it. Sorry. That was Berseria! Tales of Abyss sounds interesting, the idea of playing a generally unlikable archetype is not so demotivating to me. I have a switch, so I might as well see if something can take advantage of my idle bandwidth.
I'm quite partial to Abyss, though some say the first few hours are rough, as you play as spoilt royalty. (it's worth it, imo).

But Tales of Vesperia might be more what you're looking for, though. It's got a great cast, solid story, and its main character is anything but a self-insert.
It's amazing how Luke and Yuri contrast eachother, they even officially acknowledge it with the bonus costumes for Vesperia. I don't want to spoil anything (even though they're really old but great games), but for the people who haven't played them: Luke is a dynamic character whose growth is fueled by everyone around him, and Yuri is a static character that causes everybody around him to grow (and he's also a heroic outlaw who works from the shadows to do what needs to be done to save people).

One of the reasons I love Vesperia so much is it's great to see a (largely) static character protagonist that's well written. It feels like characters like that are there to turn convention on its head and prove you don't need to follow expectations to have a well written story.
The game is great! And I've played all the Final Fantasies, at least from 4 and onwards. To those of you complaining about it not being turn based - just go play something else, there are plenty of turn based games :)
Many Final Fantasy fans have moved on to other game series in hopes that it would come back to its roots, that's why so many people feel the need to complain. They don't have the same connection with Dragon Quest, or Persona, or other JRPGs.
With that in mind, there are plenty of turn based RPGs worth playing.
It's a decent game, great visuals and a compelling story, The music is pretty good at times and there is many things carried over from previous Final Fantasy titles such as Chocobos, Moogles, Crystals and iconic enemies and so on.
I got the game on launch but I have not finished the game yet..

I think it's because this game is not a Final Fantasy game, even if Square Enix wants us to believe it is.

All the Final Fantasy references in the game just feels like a cheap way of fooling us into thinking that this is a Final Fantasy title.

And I'm so tired of hearing people say that "Final Fantasy always changed between each instalment" this is just not true.

Sure there were changed, but small changed to make the formula feel fresh in it's core it was still the same up until Final Fantasy X-2.
The basic battle system pretty much stayed the same with the biggest change was adding ATB (Which brings a sense of urgency to battles) and Limit break style abilities.

But the core concept was the same, command your PARTY agains enemies in turn based combat using physical attacks, magic and items.

The other thing that changed between the games was character growth systems and character roles/jobs.

But it was usually a matter of giving you the freedom of customisation or fixed roles that played into story.
For instance Yuna is a Summoner/White Mage and Lulu is a Black Mage. Zidane is a thief and that's also reflected in the story as he is a member of the Tantalus gang.

The growth system was just experimenting with how you were getting the STR stat to 255.

But yeah I would say that all Final Fantasy games up until Final Fantasy X-2 are extremely similar if terms of gameplay in general. the thing that really changed between these games was story and art style.
But throughout there was a very distinct charm.

Unfortunately this has all changed, Final Fantasy XVI is completely different in gameplay to the point where I would argue that it's not a Final Fantasy game anymore.

And I found it sort of boring, the world feels empty, the side quests are straight up boring. I like the hunt's but, it feels nowhere as good as it did in Final Fantasy XII or Final Fantasy XV

8/10 if I try to score the game objectively, 6/10 since I am disappointed in Square Enix.
I don't get why the keep fighting to get away from the working formula that served them very well for many years.
It's a decent game, great visuals and a compelling story, The music is pretty good at times and there is many things carried over from previous Final Fantasy titles such as Chocobos, Moogles, Crystals and iconic enemies and so on.
I got the game on launch but I have not finished the game yet..

I think it's because this game is not a Final Fantasy game, even if Square Enix wants us to believe it is.

All the Final Fantasy references in the game just feels like a cheap way of fooling us into thinking that this is a Final Fantasy title.

And I'm so tired of hearing people say that "Final Fantasy always changed between each instalment" this is just not true.

Sure there were changed, but small changed to make the formula feel fresh in it's core it was still the same up until Final Fantasy X-2.
The basic battle system pretty much stayed the same with the biggest change was adding ATB (Which brings a sense of urgency to battles) and Limit break style abilities.

But the core concept was the same, command your PARTY agains enemies in turn based combat using physical attacks, magic and items.

The other thing that changed between the games was character growth systems and character roles/jobs.

But it was usually a matter of giving you the freedom of customisation or fixed roles that played into story.
For instance Yuna is a Summoner/White Mage and Lulu is a Black Mage. Zidane is a thief and that's also reflected in the story as he is a member of the Tantalus gang.

The growth system was just experimenting with how you were getting the STR stat to 255.

But yeah I would say that all Final Fantasy games up until Final Fantasy X-2 are extremely similar if terms of gameplay in general. the thing that really changed between these games was story and art style.
But throughout there was a very distinct charm.

Unfortunately this has all changed, Final Fantasy XVI is completely different in gameplay to the point where I would argue that it's not a Final Fantasy game anymore.

And I found it sort of boring, the world feels empty, the side quests are straight up boring. I like the hunt's but, it feels nowhere as good as it did in Final Fantasy XII or Final Fantasy XV

8/10 if I try to score the game objectively, 6/10 since I am disappointed in Square Enix.
I don't get why the keep fighting to get away from the working formula that served them very well for many years.

FFVII was a massive departure from the series and I didn't play it for a couple years because it wasn't a "true Final Fantasy".
Wtf was VIII?
Oh IX! Finally, real Final Fantasy.
X? I hate this sphere grid and this taffy colored schematic of a world. X-2's battle system was more appealing, though it was spin-off/cheesy sequel--another big departure there.
Did you forget about the existence of XI? A fkin MMORPG??

Sorry but I strongly disagree with you, and I wouldn't be able to enjoy them if I all I could focus on is how "this isn't a real FF".

FFXVI is a better FF than 12, every single part of the 13-trilogy, and 15. If you are playing XVI despite the existence of those, I don't really see how you could be disappointed.

VI, VII and IX are the best, so every future FF should be more like them.
FFVII was a massive departure from the series and I didn't play it for a couple years because it wasn't a "true Final Fantasy".
Wtf was VIII?
Oh IX! Finally, real Final Fantasy.
X? I hate this sphere grid and this taffy colored schematic of a world. X-2's battle system was more appealing, though it was spin-off/cheesy sequel--another big departure there.
Did you forget about the existence of XI? A fkin MMORPG??

Sorry but I strongly disagree with you, and I wouldn't be able to enjoy them if I all I could focus on is how "this isn't a real FF".

FFXVI is a better FF than 12, every single part of the 13-trilogy, and 15. If you are playing XVI despite the existence of those, I don't really see how you could be disappointed.

VI, VII and IX are the best, so every future FF should be more like them.

When you say massive departure are you referring to the setting of the plot?
Because I think the battle system is very similar to previous titles. And the materia system is kind of similar to the esper system of FFVI. Final Fantasy VIII had the same battle system as VII pretty much, but they experimented with the growth system. Great idea really, too bad it was sort of broken and too complicated for many people.
I am not saying that final Fantasy VIII was the greatest one, but I think it was pretty similar to the previous entries outside the growth system and the level scaling.

I said before, when it comes to gameplay, all the games up to X-2 are all very similar.
Like the mechanical stuff (with VIII probably being the most different)
Still like VIII more than XVI and XV, (even if I am now a king of the junction system and know how to totally break the game)

Well we can't agree on everything, I do enjoy Final Fantasy XII more than XIV, XIII and XV.
And my favourite FF titles are IX, VI, X (in that order)

I love the sphere grid because of the freedom it grants you to customise your characters.
I loved the tactical pure turn based nature of X, being able to see who gets the next move a few turns in advance.
I loved the setting of Final Fantasy X, I'm from Scandinavia and for me Spira felt exotic with all the tropical environments and interesting culture.

But Final Fantasy XVI really didn't scratch my Final Fantasy itch, not saying it's a bad game.
I really don't know why I would consider FFXVI better than FFXV.
I just feel like the franchise is going through some identity crisis.
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When you say massive departure are you referring to the setting of the plot?

Yes, mostly. It was completely unrecognizable to me.

But Final Fantasy XVI really didn't scratch my Final Fantasy itch, not saying it's a bad game.

It feels like a lot is missing in terms of gameplay. It's more arcade/movie/play like.

I just feel like the franchise is going through some identity crisis.

You cannot have an FF game without some identity crisis in it.
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Yes, mostly. It was completely unrecognizable to me.
I get that, in my opinion the setting and the plot does not have to be similar to previous titles.
That's the one area where I do appreciate when they do something different, as long as they still keep the quality up there. What I do look for however is the typical Final Fantasy charm.
It feels like a lot is missing in terms of gameplay. It's more arcade/movie/play like.
Yes, and that's it. It's supposed to be a game not a movie or play.
Most people would probably protest if Nintendo said they are working on a new mainline Mario game and it turns out to be a beat'em up title rather than a platformer.
You cannot have an FF game without some identity crisis in it.
Sure, but it's never been like this.

The franchise was actually born out of a will to make an RPG at a time where everyone was expected to make action games. Sakaguchi was denied making an RPG for a long time, but eventually after seeing DragonQuest being successful he was finally allowed to go ahead and make an RPG, it's called Final Fantasy, because if it failed, Sakaguchi was going to leave the video game industry and start studying again.

So I think turning Final Fantasy into an action franchise is a pretty bad move.

I wish they would respect the franchise more
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Opinions are fine but you're in the minority. Most fans feel it's the best FF in quite a while.

Nah. Not turn based, way too western in style.
I'd bet good money that longtime FF fans do not like this direction in any form whatsoever.

One of the reasons I love Vesperia so much is it's great to see a (largely) static character protagonist that's well written. It feels like characters like that are there to turn convention on its head and prove you don't need to follow expectations to have a well written story.

Vesperia is top tier Tales gameplay. With great graphics and characters to boot.
IMHO it's the best 3D Tales overall (Gameplay goes to Graces F), with the best characters.
The best overall Tales is the first (Phantasia) though, specially the most recent remakes.
I wonder if they'll update the FFIX graphics and literally nothing else (except Quality of Life). That's the dream. I'm perfectly happy without voice acting either. Just make it purty remaster. Will it happen? who knows. Apparently ff7 remake was a plot-related name and not just a descriptor.

Seriously, though, this final fantasy is a completely different genre. I liked the old genre a lot. I like this genre too. Wish we could have both. Don't think that's an odd thing to ask for. turn-based games are still highly respected, so it's not like it's a risk or anything.
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I wonder if they'll update the FFIX graphics and literally nothing else (except Quality of Life). That's the dream. I'm perfectly happy without voice acting either. Just make it purty remaster. Will it happen? who knows. Apparently ff7 remake was a plot-related game name and not just a descriptor, so I have faith they know what an actual remake should look like.

Seriously, though, this final fantasy is a completely different genre. I liked the old genre a lot. I like this genre too. Wish we could have both. Don't think that's an odd thing to ask for. turn-based games are still highly respected, so it's not like it's a risk or anything.

I'm with you there, they could have split the franchise into 2 main lines, one traditional and one more action based.
That way they could please everyone.

Also if it's true that they are remaking Final Fantasy IX I pray that they won't turn it into an action game.
That would be the peak of disrespect for the original work and the people involved as well as the fans of that game.
I'm with you there, they could have split the franchise into 2 main lines, one traditional and one more action based.
That way they could please everyone.

Also if it's true that they are remaking Final Fantasy IX I pray that they won't turn it into an action game.
That would be the peak of disrespect for the original work and the people involved as well as the fans of that game.
Just like how they should split 3D Legend of Zelda into two lines - traditional (the better one) and open-world. That would satisfy everyone.

Nah. Not turn based, way too western in style.
I'd bet good money that longtime FF fans do not like this direction in any form whatsoever.

Vesperia is top tier Tales gameplay. With great graphics and characters to boot.
IMHO it's the best 3D Tales overall (Gameplay goes to Graces F), with the best characters.
The best overall Tales is the first (Phantasia) though, specially the most recent remakes.
What do you think of Tales of Arise? I found it to be very solid, gameplay- and character-wise,
Just like how they should split 3D Legend of Zelda into two lines - traditional (the better one) and open-world. That would satisfy everyone.

What do you think of Tales of Arise? I found it to be very solid, gameplay- and character-wise,
Arise is also top 3 material, but gets taken down a few notches for ditching local multiplayer.

I've been playing Tales coop with my sister since forever and that feature removal was a low blow for us.

I always judge a game based on "gameplay first".
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Many Final Fantasy fans have moved on to other game series in hopes that it would come back to its roots, that's why so many people feel the need to complain. They don't have the same connection with Dragon Quest, or Persona, or other JRPGs.
With that in mind, there are plenty of turn based RPGs worth playing.
Well it's the classic traditionalism vs progression - FF was always about the latter, introducing new systems etc. I do understand why people miss the turn based games though, they were something special! But I just find my turn based fixes elsewhere and enjoy FF too - Really looking forward to Sea of Stars!
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Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): June 22, 2023
  • Publisher: Square Enix
  • Genres: JRPG
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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