Hacking Best Way to Mod Any Wii: ModMii for Windows: Official Support Thread

  • Thread starter XFlak
  • Start date
  • Views 3,140,204
  • Replies 9,938
  • Likes 79

Did ModMii work for you?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 829 81.9%
  • No, and I won't report what went wrong because I am a troll

    Votes: 63 6.2%
  • No, and I posted what went wrong

    Votes: 120 11.9%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Feb 12, 2010
Reinstall all your mods again, use ModMii and you will be happy.
thank you ever so much for you reply its greatly appreciated

if you could help me some more when you have time that would be great

when you say reinstall all my mods? what do u mean?

i dont mean to be a pain to you

i modded my wii 10 years ago, have wii flow and usb loader on my SD card, games are on my ext HD

i dont want to lose all my covers and games, i just would like to fix the crashing i have on many games

i have reinstalled Xflacks ModMii and have connected the SD card to my PC but i have not done anything else yet as i dont want to mess up as i am scored i will break it

thank you once again

Nintendo Maniac

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
United States
I can't recall off the top of my head how Wiiflow stores banners but, for USB Loader GX, you can just back up the following folder onto your PC or the like:
  • /apps/usbloader_gx/cache_bnr/


Apr 5, 2011
At my chair.
thank you ever so much for you reply its greatly appreciated

if you could help me some more when you have time that would be great

when you say reinstall all my mods? what do u mean?

i dont mean to be a pain to you

i modded my wii 10 years ago, have wii flow and usb loader on my SD card, games are on my ext HD

i dont want to lose all my covers and games, i just would like to fix the crashing i have on many games

i have reinstalled Xflacks ModMii and have connected the SD card to my PC but i have not done anything else yet as i dont want to mess up as i am scored i will break it

thank you once again


Wiitired but still kicking
Sep 12, 2009
Cyprus, originally from Toronto
@XFlak thanks very much for your wonderful programme

i used modmiii many many years ago haha

my kids have just started playing the Wii again and alot of games are crashing

do you have any advice for me?

do i have to update my SD card to update files using modmii?

its been 10 years maybe since i done it

thanks markyboy
Very cool, an OG ModMii user!

As Impeeza said you can resoftmod using modmii's main wizard, tell it your Wii is a virgin even if it isn't and it will overwrite older mods.

Alternatively to cut down steps you can run modmii's syscheck updater wizard to do just the incremental updates for just whatever is outdated. Just create a syscheck log and drag and drop your syscheck.csv onto modmii.exe and it will tell you what to do

If doing the syscheck updater route you may want to also update priiloader, as if u have an old version installed modmii's syscheck wizard won't currently direct you to update it. This is because Syscheck only reports whether priiloader is installed or not, not its version number.

You can also drag and drop your sd card or hard drive into modmii and it can check for updates to any apps it detects on it.

Where are you running games from? 10 years ago.. That may have been before fat32 support was developed, and it's recommended over wbfs partitions these days, and in fact some claim that games saved to wbfs partitions can over time lead to bitrot, I don't recall specifics but @morning_glory I think recently investigated this (and decided to use wbfs for whatever reason anyway iirc). Point is, if you have been using the same wbfs partition for games for 10 years, harddrive issues of one sort or another is the most likely explanation for your issue. I mean, even if the mods were old they shouldn't just stop working out of nowhere like you've described. It's not an update that stubbed your cios as then your games wouldn't load period.

Tldr: use modmii's main wizard to resoftmod as if it were a virgin, OR use modmii's syscheck updater wizard. You should also check your hard drive / sd card, reformat as fat32, or try different devices all together to see if they're the culprit

P. S. I'm curious what your 10 year old mods look like, reply with your syscheck log if you like!
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Nintendo Maniac

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
United States
10 years ago.. That may have been before fat32 support was developed
It's not. I ended up skipping the entire WBFS partition era and went straight to FAT32 back in like 2012 or so (I even have browser history entries from late 2012 about Configurable USB Loader of all things which is what I used to use before I moved to USB Loader GX a couple of years later)

in fact some claim that games saved to wbfs partitions can over time lead to bitrot, I don't recall specifics but @morning_glory I think recently investigated this (and decided to use wbfs for whatever reason anyway iirc).

I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's due to a lack of re-writing the data since it's my impression that WBFS partitions can only be properly read by the Wii console itself, right? Any disk can suffer from bitrot whether HDD or SSD (though the now-rare non-3D TLC NAND from the mid 2010s is probably the quickest to experience it), hence the existence of software like DiskFresh that simply goes through and re-writes all of the sectors, but you can only do that if the disk is readable by the operating system (alternatively you can just clone or image the disk, secure-erase the disk, and then reclone back or restore the disk image which can work even if the OS can't read the partition; if you're OCD then you can even fill up the disk first with other random data and then reclone back or restore the disk image).

On the subject of bitrot, from my own testing at least with a simple USB flash disk rather than a proper SSD or even a HDD, being powered with no data connection only slows down bitrot (a proper SSD can have fancier controllers that, in theory, could detect reduced cell voltage and re-write them before voltage falls too low—at least in theory). Also, warmer temperatures increases the speed of bitrot, though I haven't yet tested if colder temperatures slows down bitrot to a rate slower than being powered (it's only just gotten cold enough outside for me to consider testing this—I was doing these bitrot tests during the summer).
Last edited by Nintendo Maniac,


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2022
That may have been before fat32 support was developed, and it's recommended over wbfs partitions these days, and in fact some claim that games saved to wbfs partitions can over time lead to bitrot, I don't recall specifics but @morning_glory I think recently investigated this (and decided to use wbfs for whatever reason anyway iirc)
When I attempted using the WBFS partition, it was for specific reasons (Flash drives mostly). Also back then, USBLGX wasn't spruced up for Flash drives.
Then I found a better a storage method in my search, & that was Micro SDXCs (in USB adapters).
It all still works perfectly well with a WBFS partition (for me). It is somewhat limiting, but I'm happy & so is my Wii :)

I used ModMii for it's great stress-free versatility & friendliness :) & after Fat32 kept failing with my Flash drives, I searched for other ways & I had many micro SDHC/XC cards, & then eventually WBFS partition.
Thank you XFlak (always) :)

Any storage media has a limited life-span, & that also applies to the data stored.
If in doubt, do regular scans for media fails. More so with older equipment.
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Nintendo Maniac

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
United States
Apologies for the lengthy ramble, but I've got first-hand experience dealing with bitrot and a level of hardware knowledge to adequately explain what the deal is with it at least with flash memory, so I felt the need to do a sort of "info dump" to clear things up.

tl;dr: Specifically for bitrot on flash memory left unpowered, older is better, except when you get to non-3D TLC (usually from the mid-2010s) at which point newer (but also faster) is usually better but mainly because it's more likely to avoid the non-3D TLC stuff; otherwise bitrot susceptibility should have roughly leveled-off since the late 2010s (not accounting for newer, fancier tech that can better resist bitrot of course).

Also back then, USBLGX wasn't spruced up for Flash drives.
Then I found a better a storage method in my search, & that was Micro SDXCs (in USB adapters).
Yeah, with r1280 and newer USB Loader GX natively supports loading Wii games from SD cards, so no need to go the adapter route any more unless you're like me and really want to use a 2GB SD card for any early Wii games that didn't support SDHC and don't appear to have a code or mod to add support for SDHC (for me that game is Excite Truck).

after Fat32 kept failing with my Flash drives, I searched for other ways & I had many micro SDHC/XC cards, & then eventually WBFS partition.
Wait, are you saying you never even tried FAT32 with the SD card + USB reader?

Thing is,, I also was having issues using USB flash drives back around 10-ish years ago (I had everything archived on a mechanical hard drive that "just worked", but it wasn't very portable nor robust for transport, and was actually much larger at 750GB than I needed to hold all my games) and, since I have a PC gaming friend that I get a bunch of hand-me-down hardware from, I had a slew of low-capacities SSDs.

So, in a similar manner, I settled on using a SATA to USB adapter but with the disk still formatted as FAT32 and it's been flawless for the last 5-ish years it's been in operation... well, mostly. I don't know if it was bitrot or I just derped something up or maybe it's the same issue as Excite Truck, but Tiger Woods' PGA Tour 10 didn't want to load at one point but updating software and re-doing the disk image has simply made everything work.

Any storage media has a limited life-span, & that also applies to the data stored.
Though some media has lifetimes so long that it could be measured in decades or even percentage of human life time—early low-capacity flash in particular, like the NAND found in the Wii or in GameCube memory cards, or even the likes of 2GB SD cards from the mid 2000s are quite resiliant to bitrot thanks to a combination of being manufactured on a large transistor node (even the most cutting-edge CPUs at the time were only using 65nm when the Wii launched, with the Wii's CPU itself using a 90nm process) as well as completely predating TLC (3-bit) NAND and therefore being MLC (2-bit) NAND at max and very likely to even be SLC (1-bit) NAND.

If in doubt, do regular scans for media fails.
Well, yes, but bitrot doesn't show up as media failure. I have what I'm pretty sure is one of those now-rare mid-2010s non-3D TLC USB flash drive that was (and actually still is while waiting for cold weather to test) suffering from bitrot and the OS has no idea that there's any issue at all because any data actually written to the disk "just works" without issue.

Actual media failure behaves quite differently from bitrot and, at least in flash memory, doesn't tend to occur when just sitting around unused for a while (something that can cause a hard drive to fail).

The only real fool-proof way to know if you're having bitrot is if you have a way to check the integrity of the data in question, like compared to checksums of the files (e.g. SHA256, SHA1, MD5, CRC32, etc) or simply trying to open the files in question and seeing incomplete data or the like. In the Unix-like world, there are even file systems like ZFS, Btrfs, and the upcoming BcacheFS that integrate checksumming that can then be used to detect for any incorrect checksums, meaning you can therefore set things up to have at least two copies of your data in some fashion (called "parity data") that can be used to automatically recover the bitrot'd data when it detects a mismatch between the checksum recorded when the file was last written to the disk and whatever that file's current checksum is (assuming the parity data hasn't also suffered from bitrot of course!)

More so with older equipment.
Mechanical hard drives, sure. Flash memory? As stated, it's much more complicated.

Because larger transistors resist bitrot better, this means older flash memory can last longer before bitrot sets in, but is not actually inherent to its age—hypothetical modern 90nm flash memory would actually last longer than the stuff from the mid-2000s. Similarly, because newer developments have figured out how to fit more bits onto a single flash memory cell, this automatically makes older flash memory that uses fewer bits per cell more resilient to bitrot. Again, therefore modern SLC NAND would be more resilient to bitrot than older SLC NAND, but only if they were on the same node anyway due to manufacturing yield improving over time.

The closest thing to a long-term bitrot test I've had is a 256MB (not a typo) USB drive that had the same Parted Magic 2012-10-10 image on it for like a decade, and it never skipped a beat. Alternatively I could take a look at some flash-based game saves that I dumped over a decade ago now from (some) GBA carts or DS carts that I've admittedly not touched in a while and make sure the checksums still match up.

By contrast, my sister had a 16GB USB flash drive succumb to bitrot twice in only 3 years, but it was stored in a car and therefore a warm environment (which, as I previously stated, accelerates bitrot), so that disk is officially being ran in my "bitrot test" as of August; the drive was purchased in a closeout sale for cheap at K-Mart and therefore the later mid-2010s, and therefore is quite likely more non-3D TLC NAND if not even QLC NAND; yet a newer 32GB presumably 3D NAND flash drive had no bitrot in that same time period (in fact the 32GB drive was specifically an upgrade to the 16GB one, so it experienced darned near the exact same use-case in her car of write few, read many).

And the other USB drive I previously mentioned that succumbed to bitrot was my father's that he got from work in the earlier mid-2010s but had sit around for like 5 years, again likely being non-3D TLC, especially since it was actually pretty much the slowest USB flash drive we owned that measured its capacity in gigabytes which is key because more bits per cell is slower than if the very same NAND used fewer bits per cell. This also means that faster NAND is more likely to be using fewer bits per cell, but sometimes they can "cheat" and use something like SLC caching which is fast initially but the long-term data itself gets stored on TLC or even QLC NAND.

Just to clarify the point about 3D NAND, it's just a way to increase disk capacity without the need to use a smaller node size, so most modern 3D NAND doesn't go below something like 19nm and, even then, it's pretty common to have 3D NAND in the 20-30nm range just like early 2010s MLC SSDs (though, again, MLC is inherently more resilient to bitrot).

When it comes to flash memory that is receiving power though, all bets are off since, as I previously mentioned, better flash memory controllers could even account for and prevent bitrot from occurring, but things are way too ambiguous in the area of flash memory controllers to really know which ones are able to actually do this.
Last edited by Nintendo Maniac,


Active Member
Feb 12, 2010
Very cool, an OG ModMii user!

As Impeeza said you can resoftmod using modmii's main wizard, tell it your Wii is a virgin even if it isn't and it will overwrite older mods.

Alternatively to cut down steps you can run modmii's syscheck updater wizard to do just the incremental updates for just whatever is outdated. Just create a syscheck log and drag and drop your syscheck.csv onto modmii.exe and it will tell you what to do

If doing the syscheck updater route you may want to also update priiloader, as if u have an old version installed modmii's syscheck wizard won't currently direct you to update it. This is because Syscheck only reports whether priiloader is installed or not, not its version number.

You can also drag and drop your sd card or hard drive into modmii and it can check for updates to any apps it detects on it.

Where are you running games from? 10 years ago.. That may have been before fat32 support was developed, and it's recommended over wbfs partitions these days, and in fact some claim that games saved to wbfs partitions can over time lead to bitrot, I don't recall specifics but @morning_glory I think recently investigated this (and decided to use wbfs for whatever reason anyway iirc). Point is, if you have been using the same wbfs partition for games for 10 years, harddrive issues of one sort or another is the most likely explanation for your issue. I mean, even if the mods were old they shouldn't just stop working out of nowhere like you've described. It's not an update that stubbed your cios as then your games wouldn't load period.

Tldr: use modmii's main wizard to resoftmod as if it were a virgin, OR use modmii's syscheck updater wizard. You should also check your hard drive / sd card, reformat as fat32, or try different devices all together to see if they're the culprit

P. S. I'm curious what your 10 year old mods look like, reply with your syscheck log if you like!
hi bro, thanks for the awesome reply, very helpful, i looked back on this thread and i posted a few times in 2011 with issues i had back then

i ran your modmii and updated all my soft mods, launchers

i run games from my ext HD and but my exploits and programes are on my SD card as are my launchers and covers and emulators

certain games froze the Wii, wasnt sure if thats becuase i had ocarina cheats running

i think i origionally hacked my Wii with letterbomb but after a while i used your modmii to refresh it and add some programmes to Homebrew

awesome work bro and you do so much for community, hope you get better soon mate, thanks again



  • SysCheck ME v2.5.0 by blackb0x, JoostinOnline, Double_A, R2-D2199 and Nano
  • ...runs on IOS58 (rev 6176).
  • Region: PAL
  • System Menu 4.2E (v482)
  • Priiloader installed
  • Drive date: 02.13.2007
  • Homebrew Channel 1.1.0 running on IOS58
  • Hollywood v0x11
  • Console ID: 10852****
  • Console Type: Wii
  • Shop Channel Country: United Kingdom (110)
  • Boot2 v4
  • Found 260 titles.
  • Found 49 IOS on this console. 4 of them are stubs.
  • IOS4 (rev 65280): Stub
  • IOS9 (rev 1034): No Patches
  • IOS10 (rev 768): Stub
  • IOS11 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
  • IOS12 (rev 526): No Patches
  • IOS13 (rev 1032): No Patches
  • IOS14 (rev 1032): No Patches
  • IOS15 (rev 1032): No Patches
  • IOS16 (rev 512): Stub
  • IOS17 (rev 1032): No Patches
  • IOS20 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
  • IOS21 (rev 1039): No Patches
  • IOS22 (rev 1294): No Patches
  • IOS28 (rev 1807): No Patches
  • IOS30 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
  • IOS31 (rev 3608): No Patches
  • IOS33 (rev 3608): No Patches
  • IOS34 (rev 3608): No Patches
  • IOS35 (rev 3608): No Patches
  • IOS36 (rev 3608): No Patches
  • IOS37 (rev 5663): No Patches
  • IOS38 (rev 4124): No Patches
  • IOS40 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
  • IOS41 (rev 3607): No Patches
  • IOS43 (rev 3607): No Patches
  • IOS45 (rev 3607): No Patches
  • IOS46 (rev 3607): No Patches
  • IOS48 (rev 4124): No Patches
  • IOS50 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
  • IOS51 (rev 4864): Stub
  • IOS52 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
  • IOS53 (rev 5663): No Patches
  • IOS55 (rev 5663): No Patches
  • IOS56 (rev 5662): No Patches
  • IOS57 (rev 5919): No Patches
  • IOS58 (rev 6176): USB 2.0
  • IOS60 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
  • IOS61 (rev 5662): No Patches
  • IOS62 (rev 6430): No Patches
  • IOS70 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
  • IOS80 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
  • IOS202[60] (rev 65535, Info: hermesrodries-v6): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
  • IOS222[38] (rev 4, Info: hermes-v4): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0
  • IOS223[38+37] (rev 4, Info: hermes-v4): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0
  • IOS224[57] (rev 65535, Info: hermesrodries-v6): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
  • IOS236 (rev 65535): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access
  • IOS249[56] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
  • IOS250[57] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
  • IOS254 (rev 65281): BootMii
  • BC v6
  • MIOS v10
  • Report generated on 11/01/2023.


  • mod1.png
    38.1 KB · Views: 22
Last edited by markyboy77,


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2022
Wait, are you saying you never even tried FAT32 with the SD card + USB reader?
No, I'm not saying that at all.
All started with Fat32, but Flash drive games were failing to load, & other USB loader apps had to be used. GX was better, but not completely. With micro SDXC in USB adapters was a big improvement. That's when I decided to try WBFS partitioning. Discrete Flash drives still had 20% fail. All sizes failed - Some more than others.
Success came with Samsung evo+ 512gb in USB adapter. Also worked great as Wii's front SD.
Never had to look back towards Fat32 & to this day I'm still using a WBFS partition. I only have Wii & GC (on internal Wii SD with Fat32) games. Period.
Don't want to over-dwell on this. This is XFlak's thread :)


Wiitired but still kicking
Sep 12, 2009
Cyprus, originally from Toronto
I'm doing well for the most part, trying to stay positive and not focusing on the negatives, but if I'm being honest I find myself wishing I never moved away from Canada. It's been 4 years from the move and I'm like 99% positive all my health issues were from the stress of living in such a "laid back" country (in other words poorly functioning, lol). Onto my physical health, I got another surgery coming up this weekend, should be my last one if all goes according to plan. I'm simultaneously looking forward to getting it over with and dreading it, they're gonna open me up again from naval to sternum, so that'll be fun, lol. It's supposed to be a simple procedure so not very risky even if recovery will take awhile. Thx for asking :)


Apr 5, 2011
At my chair.
I'm doing well for the most part, trying to stay positive and not focusing on the negatives, but if I'm being honest I find myself wishing I never moved away from Canada. It's been 4 years from the move and I'm like 99% positive all my health issues were from the stress of living in such a "laid back" country (in other words poorly functioning, lol). Onto my physical health, I got another surgery coming up this weekend, should be my last one if all goes according to plan. I'm simultaneously looking forward to getting it over with and dreading it, they're gonna open me up again from naval to sternum, so that'll be fun, lol. It's supposed to be a simple procedure so not very risky even if recovery will take awhile. Thx for asking :)
I am praying for your well-being.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2014
hi, how do I get the mac address for the vWii on the Wii U to use this? I did the letterbomb trick way back when and it worked but I had to wipre and restart, and entering the mac address from Wii U settings didn't work and I don't know how to identify the Wii U on the network. The Wifi chip on this wii U has been very flaky so I don't know if I want to try to wifi hax


The Treasure Tracker
Oct 19, 2022
Serbia, Republic of
hi, how do I get the mac address for the vWii on the Wii U to use this? I did the letterbomb trick way back when and it worked but I had to wipre and restart, and entering the mac address from Wii U settings didn't work and I don't know how to identify the Wii U on the network. The Wifi chip on this wii U has been very flaky so I don't know if I want to try to wifi hax
If you want to hack you vWii (i.e. install Homebrew Channel), why don't you use Compat Title Installer on Wii U instead? It's compatible with both Tiramisu and Aroma environments. It's mentioned on Wii U Hacks Guide, in vWii modding section.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2014
If you want to hack you vWii (i.e. install Homebrew Channel), why don't you use Compat Title Installer on Wii U instead? It's compatible with both Tiramisu and Aroma environments. It's mentioned on Wii U Hacks Guide, in vWii modding section.
I hadn't hacked the Wii U OS as I was an idiot that bought all the games already. but since it's the only solution now I might as well.
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The Treasure Tracker
Oct 19, 2022
Serbia, Republic of
I hadn't hacked the Wii U OS as I was an idiot that bought all the games already. but since it's the only solution now I might as well.
It's never too late to hack your Wii U. :) Wii U Hacks Guide is definitely a good place to start as it'll guide you through setting up Tiramisu environment, but do check Aroma as well as it offers way more options like modules and plugins.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2014
i see that now.
Post automatically merged:

I think i misremembered the last time I hacked my Wii U. I thought I did the letterbomb, but doing the Wii U browserhax seems familiar. I got it so I can access usbloadergx and play my Wii and Gamecube games that way, but there's a lot of steps involved so i have to go back and see if I can add usbloadergx straight to the Wii u homescreen.
Last edited by Futurdreamz,
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Wiitired but still kicking
Sep 12, 2009
Cyprus, originally from Toronto

This update mostly contains small improvements to ModMii's SysCheck Updater plus some bugfixes and minor tweaks.


  • Removed prompt to retain patched IOS31 if detected in SysChecks as it is no longer required for RiiConnect24.
  • SysCheck updater now also checks to make sure BC is v6.
  • Removed the following whitelisted slots from suggesting they optionally be stubbed in the SysCheck updater wizard (236,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247).
  • Fix for IOSs that were skipped by SysCheck. Previously if "IOS249: Skipped" (for example) was contained in a SysCheck, ModMii suggested installing both the recommended cIOS249 as well as a stub IOS249, but ModMii appropriately never actually constructed a stub IOS249.
  • Fixed SysCheck updater MIOS issue where a stock MIOS v10 was not installed when "MIOS v10 (DIOS MIOS Lite)" was listed in syschecks (and cMIOS option disabled).
  • Other minor changes, including references to Fakemote as well as updating wii.guide links to wii.hacks.guide (or archived links where no replacement exists yet).
Post automatically merged:

This one was a pretty teenie update, but I wanted to get it done so I can start work on the NEXT update, which has a new feature or 2 planned. I wouldn't say it will be as big an update as 7.0.0, but bigger than a typical update!!
Last edited by XFlak,

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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, i say "play Roblox" not "make games on Roblox"
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: https://youtu.be/wmNlFXJ_xdw?si=uB2Utv1xp9T16QRR