What phone do you own?


Oct 22, 2023
United Kingdom
My first mobile phone was a Sony Ericsson K700i. It took me years to realise it was styled like a camera! It wasn't a good camera.

After that I got a Nokia N900. Loved that thing.

Then a Nokia 808 PureView. Epic camera and the the swansong of Symbian (and, quite frankly, Nokia in the smartphone market).

I got a Sony Z1, which was pretty good. The camera was good but disappointing compared to the Nokia 808. More apps though.

I used an iPhone 5s for a few months. It was very sleek and fast, but the price of apps! Not to mentioned how locked down it was.

Then I had a Note Edge for years. Livedbthat thing, but Samsung messed up and several died on me (all got replaced with insurance). It lagged towards the end (2019).

Then I took a deep dive and got a first gen Fold. Other than missing the S Pen, it was fantastic. Insurance replaced it once due to the battery wearing out, but another Samsung mess up has meant that it will no longer charge! Otherwise, it was good to go.

I have a Note 20 Ultra now. It's the European version with a Exynos SoC, which isn't very good. I like having the S Pen back, but the screen is so small compared to the unfolded Fold! The cameras are better though, though focus and image quality on the 5x one is pretty bad.


Certified GBATemp Boomer
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 13, 2022
The Wired
United Kingdom
After I've been having troubles with my iPhone after constantly getting locked out from resetting my iCloud password. I had decided that enough was enough, and bought myself a Smasnug from some guy on Facebook Marketplace.

Works pretty well, however, I am disappointed that the camera is not as good as the iPhone 7. My pictures get super blurry if I zoom in, so definitely not my cup of tea. Then there's installing apps, I have to use my Google account to sign into my phone?
Last edited by SylverReZ,
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Apr 5, 2011
At my chair.
After I've been having troubles with my iPhone 7 after constantly getting locked out from resetting my iCloud password. I had decided that enough was enough, and bought myself a Smasnug X-Cover 5 from some guy on Facebook Marketplace.

Works pretty well, however, I am disappointed that the camera is not as good as the iPhone 7. My pictures get super blurry if I zoom in, so definitely not my cup of tea. Then there's installing apps, I have to use my Google account to sign into my phone? In what world should we really sign in to download a FRICKIN APP in 2023.

Overall, an Android phone is not that bad. I now use it as my main phone for mostly texting my relatives and other family members, as well as my eBaying and Discord stuffs.
Welcome to the dark side, we have cookies and milk


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2023
United States
I had a Apple iPhone 12 for a couple years. The damage that was done to me while I was at the store walking also broke my phone meaning I could no longer make or receive text messages or phone numbers. If you called me, it went straight to voicemail and I was unable to listen to them. I could not call them back either or could I send them a text message. After I was released from a hospital (took over six months) for having the ability to send what I needed from my pharmacy I started getting and feeling back to normal. Which meant my children loved coming over and having a talk with me. Also their kids were enjoyable instead of being loud and actually damaging my eardrums by being too loud.

I got tired of not being able to make or receive calls and texts so I went to the Apple website and found out that its not longer supported or configurable because Apple no longer supports the iPhone 12. So I went to the place I purchased the iPhone 12 and bought a brand new iPhone 15 Pro Max. Having done such means that my telephone number was switched to the iPhone 15. I started being able to make and receive both text messages and phone calls. It cost me $1200 and honestly, its fairly cheap considering I paid more for the iPhone 12 and had no way to fix it other than deleting everything and then trying to update it. It doesn't matter because even after doing this to my iPhone 12, neither was available. I bought the iPhone 15 Pro Max and my provider was able to take everything from my iPhone 12 and put it all on the iPhone 15 Pro Max.. And it was cheaper than when I bought the iPhone 12 and it does so much more than the iPhone 12 and Apple makes it easier to do such.

I'm healthy-er now than before I went to the hospital to get fixed. I had two surgeries because apparently I'm someone stupid for only being 35 years of age. My wife helped me out this time with taking my pills properly and at the correct time. I can walk now, when before I was unable to do that. Even better, I can now eat things like steak or pork chops without it actually getting sick until out of nowhere I started getting physically sick. So now I still eat meat, but I'm more careful about it than I ever have been before. Sure I love steak and pork chops, but I dont even get close to eating too much so that I get sick. I am no longer able to eat potato chips or even Doritos. They make me feel bad until I finally vomit.

iPhone 15 Pro Max is definitely the best phone designed for someone with my issues. I can turn the audio almost all the way down so that when I talk to someone on it it doesn't become affective on my issues. I also purchased an iPhone 15 Pro Max for my daughter because she was using an iPhone 10 and she couldn't even update the operating system because Apple no longer supported it. So she also got a new Apple phone and very quickly fell in love with it. Basically I have mine set to vibrate instead of making noise for calls or texts. That way I know I won't have that issue again. Especially because I had stomach and neck surgery just so that I wouldn't be dis-healthful to myself and I could not put the phone to my ear because I always use the speaker phone instead of putting it to my ear and causing more damage.

Having said that, I am at home and my family is very helpful because there are things I'm not allowed to do any longer. I"m just barely healthy and I'm working very hard to get back to what I considered "normal" so that I can eat food I'm unable to eat now. I'm' still not right because there are foods I'm unable to eat and also I cannot do any kind of physical therapy, but I'm pretty satisfied that I'm still alive and not always going to be unable to walk.

Having said that, I sold a lot of devices that were considered "bad" to someone who has my issue. I gave my Nintendo Switch to my daughter. I gave my laptop to my wife. I threw the iPhone 12 away because I didn't feel correct selling a broken device to anyone. I gave my wife my Nintendo Wii U to my wife because she loved the thing and enjoyed playing most of the games we purchased. Nobody said they wanted my Nintendo Switch so I sold that to my neighbor and removed the hack I had on it to play games it normally cannot play. He's very happy with it, and is known to come over to my house to ask if he's playing properly and mostly, he is. PS3 PS4 were sold to friends on Facebook and they love coming over to ask me if they're playing it properly and for the most part, they are. I sold my AtGames Legends Ultimate to my daughters friend because she really wanted it, so I let her have it without paying me. Same with the AtGames Pinball machine. I gave that to one of my daughters friend because she couldn't afford buying it and I wanted to be helpful. I don't miss any of them.

I'm currently not allowed to go back to work until my head and my chest are considered healthy. As of now, they are not because I love food (even though I"m skinny at only 140 pounds and 5 feet 11 inches) and will buy things that I just am not allowed to eat. I'm hoping the people at the hospital are correct and that the end of December will mean that I'm healthy enough to go back to doing a job I really enjoy doing. Especially because I'm only paid around 50% of my regular pay rate, and having to pay more than I believe they are worth. I do have a PC and a laptop that I'm able to use, and quite honestly I try not to use them for a long time because they're known to give me headaches and make my stomach want to vomit.

Having said that, my wife and my kids are very nice to me and super helpful. They're afraid that if they do not help me, I'm going to end up hurt and back in the hospital. I quit smoking cigarettes because they're not good for anyone, and especially not me. I quit smoking weed because its just not healthy for me to accomplish.

Thanks for reading you guys. I'm hoping I go back to normal and can eat things like celery with a decent sauce for supper but I have been told multiple times to leave it alone. I no longer drink anything that has caffeine, so I no longer drink Coke or Pepsi or even Sprite. I stick with Milk because its just healthy for me and tastes very damn good. I do not drink coffee any more because it just inst healthy for me.

Thanks guys and gals! You're so awesome, swear.

Thanks for the stickers.

But honestly, I love being alive more than I like smoking. Plus I'm afraid that if I do not quit my kids think its alright for them to smoke. I do not believe that. So, again... Thank you all so much for the stickers. I'm very glad you're taking me serious and that apparently I'm pretty well known here. I've quit smoking and I must say that... Well, I can't say I'm normal without them because my wife still smokes and I'd like to get her to quit so it doesn't get sent to our daughter or our son too continue. Daughter is 14 and she definitely smokes cigarettes. Our son is 10 and he inst afraid to smoke. Sadly, I'm scared for both of them.

Also I'm very sorry for making you all feel bad for me. I'm healthy and no longer in a hospital. I take a lot of medication that basically allows me to not want to smoke, but admittedly I love bacon and other things I'm no longer allowed to eat. But hey, I'm getting healthy so it was absolutely worth quitting! If you smoke, please read this and take it seriously. Just stop, even if you have to see doctors who can help you please! I'm very lucky to be both alive and that I'm not just someone who is "retarded" because my brain bled.
Last edited by rcpd,


Apr 5, 2011
At my chair.
I had a Apple iPhone 12 for a couple years. The damage that was done to me while I was at the store walking also broke my phone meaning I could no longer make or receive text messages or phone numbers. If you called me, it went straight to voicemail and I was unable to listen to them. I could not call them back either or could I send them a text message. After I was released from a hospital (took over six months) for having the ability to send what I needed from my pharmacy I started getting and feeling back to normal. Which meant my children loved coming over and having a talk with me. Also their kids were enjoyable instead of being loud and actually damaging my eardrums by being too loud.

I got tired of not being able to make or receive calls and texts so I went to the Apple website and found out that its not longer supported or configurable because Apple no longer supports the iPhone 12. So I went to the place I purchased the iPhone 12 and bought a brand new iPhone 15 Pro Max. Having done such means that my telephone number was switched to the iPhone 15. I started being able to make and receive both text messages and phone calls. It cost me $1200 and honestly, its fairly cheap considering I paid more for the iPhone 12 and had no way to fix it other than deleting everything and then trying to update it. It doesn't matter because even after doing this to my iPhone 12, neither was available. I bought the iPhone 15 Pro Max and my provider was able to take everything from my iPhone 12 and put it all on the iPhone 15 Pro Max.. And it was cheaper than when I bought the iPhone 12 and it does so much more than the iPhone 12 and Apple makes it easier to do such.

I'm healthy-er now than before I went to the hospital to get fixed. I had two surgeries because apparently I'm someone stupid for only being 35 years of age. My wife helped me out this time with taking my pills properly and at the correct time. I can walk now, when before I was unable to do that. Even better, I can now eat things like steak or pork chops without it actually getting sick until out of nowhere I started getting physically sick. So now I still eat meat, but I'm more careful about it than I ever have been before. Sure I love steak and pork chops, but I dont even get close to eating too much so that I get sick. I am no longer able to eat potato chips or even Doritos. They make me feel bad until I finally vomit.

iPhone 15 Pro Max is definitely the best phone designed for someone with my issues. I can turn the audio almost all the way down so that when I talk to someone on it it doesn't become affective on my issues. I also purchased an iPhone 15 Pro Max for my daughter because she was using an iPhone 10 and she couldn't even update the operating system because Apple no longer supported it. So she also got a new Apple phone and very quickly fell in love with it. Basically I have mine set to vibrate instead of making noise for calls or texts. That way I know I won't have that issue again. Especially because I had stomach and neck surgery just so that I wouldn't be dis-healthful to myself and I could not put the phone to my ear because I always use the speaker phone instead of putting it to my ear and causing more damage.

Having said that, I am at home and my family is very helpful because there are things I'm not allowed to do any longer. I"m just barely healthy and I'm working very hard to get back to what I considered "normal" so that I can eat food I'm unable to eat now. I'm' still not right because there are foods I'm unable to eat and also I cannot do any kind of physical therapy, but I'm pretty satisfied that I'm still alive and not always going to be unable to walk.

Having said that, I sold a lot of devices that were considered "bad" to someone who has my issue. I gave my Nintendo Switch to my daughter. I gave my laptop to my wife. I threw the iPhone 12 away because I didn't feel correct selling a broken device to anyone. I gave my wife my Nintendo Wii U to my wife because she loved the thing and enjoyed playing most of the games we purchased. Nobody said they wanted my Nintendo Switch so I sold that to my neighbor and removed the hack I had on it to play games it normally cannot play. He's very happy with it, and is known to come over to my house to ask if he's playing properly and mostly, he is. PS3 PS4 were sold to friends on Facebook and they love coming over to ask me if they're playing it properly and for the most part, they are. I sold my AtGames Legends Ultimate to my daughters friend because she really wanted it, so I let her have it without paying me. Same with the AtGames Pinball machine. I gave that to one of my daughters friend because she couldn't afford buying it and I wanted to be helpful. I don't miss any of them.

I'm currently not allowed to go back to work until my head and my chest are considered healthy. As of now, they are not because I love food (even though I"m skinny at only 140 pounds and 5 feet 11 inches) and will buy things that I just am not allowed to eat. I'm hoping the people at the hospital are correct and that the end of December will mean that I'm healthy enough to go back to doing a job I really enjoy doing. Especially because I'm only paid around 50% of my regular pay rate, and having to pay more than I believe they are worth. I do have a PC and a laptop that I'm able to use, and quite honestly I try not to use them for a long time because they're known to give me headaches and make my stomach want to vomit.

Having said that, my wife and my kids are very nice to me and super helpful. They're afraid that if they do not help me, I'm going to end up hurt and back in the hospital. I quit smoking cigarettes because they're not good for anyone, and especially not me. I quit smoking weed because its just not healthy for me to accomplish.

Thanks for reading you guys. I'm hoping I go back to normal and can eat things like celery with a decent sauce for supper but I have been told multiple times to leave it alone. I no longer drink anything that has caffeine, so I no longer drink Coke or Pepsi or even Sprite. I stick with Milk because its just healthy for me and tastes very damn good. I do not drink coffee any more because it just inst healthy for me.

Thanks guys and gals! You're so awesome, swear.

Thanks for the stickers.

But honestly, I love being alive more than I like smoking. Plus I'm afraid that if I do not quit my kids think its alright for them to smoke. I do not believe that. So, again... Thank you all so much for the stickers. I'm very glad you're taking me serious and that apparently I'm pretty well known here. I've quit smoking and I must say that... Well, I can't say I'm normal without them because my wife still smokes and I'd like to get her to quit so it doesn't get sent to our daughter or our son too continue. Daughter is 14 and she definitely smokes cigarettes. Our son is 10 and he inst afraid to smoke. Sadly, I'm scared for both of them.

Also I'm very sorry for making you all feel bad for me. I'm healthy and no longer in a hospital. I take a lot of medication that basically allows me to not want to smoke, but admittedly I love bacon and other things I'm no longer allowed to eat. But hey, I'm getting healthy so it was absolutely worth quitting! If you smoke, please read this and take it seriously. Just stop, even if you have to see doctors who can help you please! I'm very lucky to be both alive and that I'm not just someone who is "retarded" because my brain bled.
You got inspired!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2023
United States
You got inspired!
Not really. I got tired of being in the hospital and my kids also smoking marijuana and tobacco even though they aren't allowed to do so because they are not 18 yet. Smoke all you want at a legal age. Until then, please dont use it. Having said that I've been off this website a LONG time because it was hard to keep this site updated in my brain that was not working properly.

Thank you again. I'm glad I'm feeling almost back to "normal" but I'm terrified that eventually I'm going to need more help from a lot of people I know here in town and I'm absolutely not allowed to go back to work even though non of my job included me climbing ladders or doing anything with heat or cooling air. I had to do it on this job and now I know why I wasn't legally allowed. :(


Nov 17, 2023
United States
Right now, I am using VIVO V11. I have used the Nokia 3310, Nokia N95, Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000, Motorola RAZR, Sony Ericsson W800i, HTC Dream, Nokia N-Gage, Sony Ericsson W810, Nokia 5200, BlackBerry(Qwerty Keyboard) and yes, Nokia 6600 too.

The Real Jdbye

*is birb*
Mar 17, 2010
Asus ROG Phone 6 (512 GB)
Not because I need a gaming phone (I really don't), but there were 2 things that swayed my purchase decision: Headphone jack and good speakers. My primary use for a phone is watching YouTube. I don't want to deal with wireless headphones that are always out of battery when you want to use them and constantly need charging up. That is only acceptable as long as connecting wired when the battery is dead is an option. I want as few things that need constant recharging as possible. And wireless headphones being near impossible to replace the battery on is a big turn off as well. Great headphones can (and should) be able to last a lifetime.
I also don't want to support companies that follow this bullshit trend with my money. And I don't want to support Samsung or Google (Pixel) anymore for a few other reasons as well.
And there really aren't very many modern (high end) options when it comes to phones with a headphone jack. It was between this, or some Xperia phone, and the ROG Phone 6 seemed like the better choice.
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Feb 1, 2009
Shmashmortion Clinic
A Blackview BV5200. I got to a point where after a month, whichever latest phone I had became just a phone. So, I now just buy Blackview as they're decent performance/spec and a good price tag for what I need. Phone contract is SIM only, got fed up of forking out stupid amounts each month
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2009
I just got an S23 Ultra due to a BF deal, although funnily enough I went to try out my old Nokia 9110 but there's no power.

I'm not sure if the charger is the issue, the battery or I killed a Nokia.
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33°C 🫠
May 29, 2023


aka Viator_ or 'that Meowstic guy'
GBAtemp Patron
Oct 2, 2019
Outside, I wandered off
United Kingdom
I currently own an Oppo A16s, been using it for about 2 years now. It's a below-average budget phone but it has been pretty good for my use cases which is moreorless just Discord, YouTube, web browsing, music playing and light gaming. I don't use the cameras often so I don't really care about them too much, but if you are wondering, they are very meh.


I will likely think about upgrading to a newer and higher-end phone at some point after my birthday in February. My parents swear by Samsung so I may consider getting a phone from them, but there are many other choices...
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